【英文童詩】Fun with words



本周的主題為Fun with words。英語兒歌當(dāng)中有不少作品是打油詩,雖然內(nèi)容談不上高大上,但是絕對(duì)接地氣,夠有趣。本周推薦給大家的三首作品,估計(jì)有些孩子也可以編出一打。

I went to the shop

I went to the shop,

To get me a chair.

Oh dear!

They gave me a bear.

Oh dear!

Look what I got!

Do l want that?

No I do NOT!

Repeat with

carrot, parrot.

hat, cat.

some peas. some bees.


truck, ____; cake, ____;?

moose ____; some pants, some _____

Down by the Bay?

By Hooked on Phonics

Down by the bay,?

Down by the bay,?
Where the watermelons grow,
Back to my home,
I dare not go,
For if I do,
My mother will say: Did you ever see a bear, combing his hair?

Repeat with

Did you ever see a bee, wearing a?fun bird knee? down by the bay.?
Did you ever see a moose, kissing a goose??down by the bay.
Did you ever see a whale, with a polka dot tail??down by the bay.

這首兒歌在美國(guó)傳唱非常廣泛,而且有許多版本,只要你能找到押韻的單詞,例如?house/mouse就可以完成一首獨(dú)一無二的down by the bay,不信你也來試試吧!


By Betty S Bardige & Marilyn M. Segal

Big is the opposite of small.

Short is the opposite of tall.

Good is the opposite of bad,

And happy is the opposite of sad.

Day is the opposite of night.

Dark is the opposite of light.

Whisper is the opposite of shout,

And in is the opposite of out.


1 opposite?[??p?z?t]?n.反義詞

2 whisper [?w?sp?(r)] v.低聲說話

