分享:Medical Medium Liver Rescue by Anthony William
Amazon Best Sellers of 2019 in Books #17,定格日期:2019年4月13日。
This book the the fourth in a series of books by Anthony William. His first book is the “Medical Medium”, the second is “LIfe Changing Foods”, the third book is “Thyroid Healing” and the most recent book is titled “Liver Rescue”. All of his books are founts of healing information from his connection to spiritual information he receives as the medical medium.
Liver Rescue, like all of Anthony William’s books, puts the power back in our own hands to make decisions about how to help ourselves get and/or stay well. He gives us the tools. He encourages us to start where we are. Use what we have. Do the best we can. Trust ourselves. And he is right there cheering us on.
Anthony gives each herb, vegetable and fruit he recommends, detailed reasons to add them to your diet by telling you about not only the healing properties of each one but also the symptoms it treats, the conditions it treats, the emotional support it gives and the spiritual lesson of each.
Most of our current health issues are traced back to our toxic livers. If you knew how difficult it is for your liver to handle the alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed food and other unhealthy food you eat, you would immediately decide to treat your liver with better food choices.
Our livers were never meant to handle the man-made, engineered toxins, viruses, chemical, herbicides, solvents and heavy metals that our livers have to deal with on a daily basis. I highly recommend getting a copy of this book and sitting down and learning how to treat your liver for optimum health.