大自然母親給孩子們講故事Stories Mother Nature Told


英文名:The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children


作者: Jane Andrews



"你可能會認為,大自然母親就像著名的 "住在鞋里的老婦人 "一樣,有那么多孩子,她不知道該怎么辦。但是,當你熟悉了她,了解到她是多么的堅強,多么的活躍,她是多么的能同時在五十個地方,照顧一棵生病的樹,或者一朵剛出生的小花;同時,還在建造地下宮殿,引導(dǎo)小旅行者踏上遠行的腳步,清掃、除塵、布置她的大房子--大地。而同時,在她耐心而永無止境的工作中,她會給我們講一些最迷人、最奇妙的故事,講她年輕時的年代,或者講她的宮殿里最遙遠、最秘密的壁櫥里藏著的寶藏;正是這樣的故事,你們都很喜歡在黃昏時分圍著母親聽她講。"

“You may think that Mother Nature, like the famous “old woman who lived in the shoe,” has so many children that she doesn’t know what to do. But you will know better when you become acquainted with her, and learn how strong she is, and how active; how she can really be in fifty places at once, taking care of a sick tree, or a baby flower just born; and, at the same time, building underground palaces, guiding the steps of little travellers setting out on long journeys, and sweeping, dusting, and arranging her great house,–the earth. And all the while, in the midst of her patient and never-ending work, she will tell us the most charming and marvellous stories of ages ago when she was young, or of the treasures that lie hidden in the most distant and secret closets of her palace; just such stories as you all like so well to hear your mother tell when you gather round her in the twilight.”