《發(fā)現(xiàn)者和探索者》Discoverers and Explorers


英文名:Discoverers and Explorers

作者: Edward R. Shaw


講述了勇敢和大膽的探險(xiǎn)家冒險(xiǎn)進(jìn)入未知的 "黑暗之海 "的故事,人們認(rèn)為那里住著怪物和憤怒的神。他們敢于在赤道附近航行,而赤道被認(rèn)為有很強(qiáng)的熱量,會(huì)把海水煮沸。當(dāng)時(shí)人們還普遍認(rèn)為世界是平的,船會(huì)從地球上掉下來(lái)。這些人克服了這些恐懼,去探索和發(fā)現(xiàn)新的土地。

Tales of the brave and daring explorers that ventured into the unknown “Sea of Darkness” where it was thought monsters and angry gods lived. They dared to sail near the equator which was thought to have such intense heat that it would boil the ocean water. It was also commonly thought at the time that the world was flat, and the ships would fall off the face of the earth. These men overcame these fears to explore and discover new lands.