《簡姨的侄女們在度假》Aunt Jane's Nieces


英文名:Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation

作者: L. Frank Baum


《簡姨的侄女們在度假》是一本少女小說,由L.弗蘭克-鮑姆撰寫。它是《簡姨的侄女們》系列十卷中的第七卷,延續(xù)了三個表姐妹Lououssie Merrick Weldon、Patsy Doyle和Elizabeth De Graf的故事。和該系列所有的書一樣,它是以鮑姆的 "伊迪絲-范-戴恩 "的筆名發(fā)行的。

Aunt Jane's Nieces on Vacation is a juvenile novel for girls, written by L. Frank Baum. It is the seventh in the ten volumes in the Aunt Jane's Nieces series, and carries forward the continuing story of the three cousins Lousie Merrick Weldon, Patsy Doyle, and Elizabeth De Graf. Like all the books in the series, it was issued under Baum's "Edith Van Dyne" pseudonym.