《錯(cuò)箱》The Wrong Box


英文名:The Wrong Box

作者: Robert Louis Stevenson


《錯(cuò)箱》是一部關(guān)于通天塔結(jié)局的喜?。ㄍㄌ焖且环N安排,即一些年輕人認(rèn)購(gòu)一個(gè)基金,然后將其關(guān)閉并進(jìn)行投資,直到除了一個(gè)認(rèn)購(gòu)者外,所有的認(rèn)購(gòu)者都死亡。最后一個(gè)認(rèn)購(gòu)者將獲得全部收益)。) 故事涉及到最后兩個(gè)這樣的幸存者及其親屬、一場(chǎng)火車(chē)事故、失蹤的叔叔、無(wú)辜的旁觀者。真的是一出鬧劇。

The Wrong Box is a comedy about the ending of a tontine (a tontine is an arrangement whereby a number of young people subscribe to a fund which is then closed and invested until all but one of the subscribers have died. That last subscriber then receives the whole of the proceeds). The story involves the last two such survivors and their relations, a train crash, missing uncles, surplus dead bodies and innocent bystanders. A farce really.