湯姆-斯威夫特和他的飛船Tom Swift and his Airship


英文名:Tom Swift and his Airship


作者: Victor Appleton



在《湯姆-斯威夫特和他的飛船》中,湯姆-斯威夫特完成了他的最新發(fā)明--"紅云 "號(hào),這是一艘快速而創(chuàng)新的飛船。湯姆急于進(jìn)行一次跨國(guó)試驗(yàn),但就在他和他的朋友們起飛之前,Shopton銀行被搶劫了。湯姆在空中一飛沖天,就被指責(zé)為搶劫案的罪魁禍?zhǔn)住M蝗婚g,他成了一名被通緝的逃犯,但他不知道為什么,直到他穿越了半個(gè)國(guó)家。由于在陸地上沒(méi)有安全的港灣,也沒(méi)有朋友,湯姆必須在被射殺之前趕回Shopton,還自己一個(gè)清白。

In Tom Swift and His Airship, Tom Swift has finished his latest invention- the Red Cloud, a fast and innovative airship. Tom is anxious for a cross-country trial, but just before he and his friends take off, the Shopton bank is robbed. No sooner is Tom in the air than he is blamed for the robbery. Suddenly, he's a wanted fugitive but doesn't know why until he's half-way across the country. With no safe harbor or friend on the land below, Tom must race back to Shopton to clear his name before he's shot out of the sky.