






1. A Brother’s Love.
2. Adoption
3. Annie
4. Changed Lives
5. Chosen
6. Civil War Story
7. Compassion
8. Courage
9. Difference Between Love and Like
10. First Priority
11. Growing Together
12. Help in Distress
13. I’m Still Here
14. It Matters
15. Kindness
16. A Mother’s Love
17. One Dog Tells Another Dog
18. Please
19. Sir Alexander Fleming
20. The Beautiful Scar
21. The Embrace
22. The Gift
23. The Gold Box
24. The Lipstick
25. The Pearls
26. The Piano Master
27. Protector
28. Refuge
29. The Soldier
30. The Teacher
31. The Window
32. Toothless Grin
33. Who are you?
34. Why We Love Children
35. You Are My Sunshine
36. Your Attention Please
37. Advantage
38. Attitude
39. Confidence
40. Jimmy Durante
41. Look Forward
42. Never Give Up
43. Problems
44. Shake It Off and Step UP
45. The Silver Lining
46. Successful
47. The Courage of a Butterfly
48. The Frog
49. The Win
50. Why Discouraged
51. Winners vs Losers
52. How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone
53. Interesting Tax Facts
54. Jealousy
55. Laughter, the Best Medicine
56. Music the Healing Agent
57. No Time for Exercises
58. Olympic Training and Diet
59. Regular Walking Aids Older Arteries
60. Sharks
61. Sleep Deprivation
62. The Common Cold
63. Tidbits of Knowledge
64. TV Fascination
65. Water vs. Coke
66. Weird1 Things You Would Never Know
67. What Is Cancer?
68. Why do we need a nap?
69. 25 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
70. Anger
71. Breakfast Study
72. Carrots Are Good for You
73. Did You Know?
74. Garlic Sandwiches
75. Handshake Science
76. A Beautiful Prayer
77. Beauty Tips
78. Big Rocks and Small Rocks
79. Bullet or Seeds
80. Choosing
81. Corn
82. Don’t wait
83. Facts of Life
84. Family
85. Five Short Chapters on Change
86. God Does Help
87. Good Rules to Live by
88. Grandma’s Cake
89. If I Had My Life to Live Over
90. Imagine
91. Inner Strength
92. Instructions for Life
93. Noah’s Ark
94. Obstacles in the Way
95. Paradox
96. Right Now
97. Secrets of Life
98. The Best Thing in Life
99. The Butterfly
100. The Cracked Pot
101. The Farmhand
102. The Man Who Changed the World
103. The Pig and the Cow
104. The Positive Side of Life
105. The Seven Wonders of the World
106. Things Are Not Always What They Seem
107. Do You Realize the Value of Time?
108. Today I Will...
109. Today
110. Trouble Tree
111. Two Things Not to Worry About
112. Watch
113. Weakness to Strength
114. When Things Are Beyond Your Control
115. When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking
116. Who Am I?
117. Whom Would You Choose?
118. Wisdom
119. Words to Live by
120. Your Mission Is to Be the Light



簡介:馮其良,高級(jí)教師,1983年開始從事高中英語教學(xué),長期致力于英語閱讀教學(xué)的研究推廣和相關(guān)教材的開發(fā),已先后編寫出版《初中英語拓展閱讀》《高中英語拓展閱讀》《高中英語閱讀教程》等英語閱讀教程多套、教輔圖書十幾冊(cè)。編寫出版的《現(xiàn)代美文閱讀》(英漢對(duì)照)被多所大學(xué)列為英語專業(yè)學(xué)生推薦閱讀書目,歷時(shí)十幾年編寫的系列中級(jí)英語讀物英漢對(duì)照“百萬英語閱讀計(jì)劃”叢書共 輯,60冊(cè),全套讀物提供160多萬字的閱讀量,適合已掌握1500基礎(chǔ)詞匯的學(xué)習(xí)者閱讀。