

Metro Vocal Group has been entertaining for fans around the world for the last 19 years.  In 2005, MVG made Hong Kong their homebase and have continued to perform throughout Asia.  As Hong Kong is an exciting city with the blend of both Chinese tradition and Western culture, Metro Vocal Group is proud to call Hong Kong home.  

On November 1, 2016, MVG will release their third album, “500 yds”.  The track list includes English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Tagalog songs as well as a debut of six original compositions that chronicle such themes as an inner journey of making music in Hong Kong and the heartbreak of young love.  

Metro Vocal Group was originally assembled for a six-month cruise ship contract.  The initial contract turned into a four-year career and saw MVG to over 60 countries.  Immediately after, they traveled to Tokyo, Japan and performed for Tokyo Disneyland and soon after to Hong Kong to be a part of the opening team for Hong Kong Disneyland.  After a two year contract, Metro Vocal Group remained in Hong Kong and began to form their sound.  They released their first Cantonese music video in 2009, their cover of 我的驕傲, and it was an instant success.  Shortly after, in 2010, MVG released a second Canto-pop music video covering 海闊天空 which has since received over 20 million views.  

“500 yds” promises to be a great hit with not only four different languages representing several countries, but also a dynamic and innovative sound that will leave fans wanting more.  Metro Vocal Group has produced a sound unlike any other vocal group in the world worthy of a place in the Asian mainstream music market.  “500 yds” releases on November 1, 2016.  

Metro Vocal Group步入第十九年。過去的十九年裡,他們一直為世界各地的粉絲表演。2005年,MVG和香港結緣,決定駐紮在這裏,並繼續(xù)他們在亞洲地區(qū)的演藝生涯。香港總是令他們感到興奮,它一脈是中華文明的伏延,一脈是西方文化的浸染,Metro Vocal Group很榮幸地將香港稱為自己的

2016111日,Metro Vocal Group將推出他們的第三張專輯“500 yds”。此張專輯將包含英語,粵語,普通話,菲律賓語四種語言的歌曲,以及6Metro Vocal Group首發(fā)原創(chuàng),記錄他們在香港做音樂的心路歷程和年少時令人心碎的愛情。

Metro Vocal Group最初的結合只不過是因為和郵輪公司一紙為期六個月的合約。最初的合約先是從六個月變成四年,四年間他們遊歷六十多個國家。緊接著,他們在日本東京迪士尼表演,隨後,他們受邀到香港為新開幕的迪士尼樂園表演。兩年後,Metro Vocal Group決定在香港開始自己的演唱事業(yè)。2009年,他們發(fā)佈了第一隻粵語MV《我的驕傲》,獲得熱烈迴響。隨即於2010年錄製了第二支粵語MV《海闊天空》,在網(wǎng)路上的點擊率已超過2000萬次。

相信此張新專輯“500 yds”一定會大受廣大樂迷的歡迎。這不僅僅是因其四種語言所代表的不同國家地區(qū)的豐富文化,也是因為他們在音樂上的活力與創(chuàng)新。Metro Vocal Group歷經(jīng)十八年時光已形成使之異於世界上任何人聲樂團的獨立風格,他們值得在亞洲主流音樂市場獲得一席之地。“500 yds”將在2016111日發(fā)佈。
