Treasure Island(金銀島)


     《金銀島》是羅伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 創(chuàng)作的一部冒險小說。本書講述的是十八世紀中期英國少年吉姆從垂危水手彭斯手中 得到傳說中的藏寶圖,在當?shù)剜l(xiāng)紳支援下組織探險隊前往金銀島的故事。 海盜頭子約翰應征船上廚師,一群手下也上船充當水手。到達金銀島時, 吉姆遇到在荒島上放荒三年的水手戈恩,而約翰則發(fā)動叛變占據(jù)帆船。最 終吉姆一行人與戈恩合作對付海盜,平息了叛變并成功取得寶藏的故事。本書是史蒂文森所有作品中流傳最廣的代表作,其故事情節(jié)起源于史蒂文森所畫的一幅地圖

    Since its publication in 1883, Treasure Island has remained one of the great tales of mutiny. Its primary malefactor, Long John Silver, has become synonymous with evil. The story is told through the eyes of Jim Hawkins, a young man who first encounters tales of buried treasure while working at his father's tavern. The action moves from the Admiral Benbow Inn to the high seas and on to secret islands. Never did virtue so reward a young man as Hawkins has been rewarded, made immortal by the gifts of an immortal storyteller.
