



本書(shū)以旅行日記的形式,講述了阿根廷著名媒體人伍志偉(Gustavo Ng)作為最早移民阿根廷的華人的后代,第一次游歷祖先國(guó)度尋根的經(jīng)歷。他從香港出發(fā),一路北上,行至新疆,最后到達(dá)上海,走遍了中國(guó)20多個(gè)城市,行程一萬(wàn)多公里。他用文字、照片,以及與中國(guó)著名文人的對(duì)話等形式,以個(gè)人經(jīng)歷服務(wù)于中國(guó)與阿根廷,甚至拉美人民的友誼。


古斯塔沃·伍(Gustavo Ng),中文名伍志偉,中阿混血,是阿根廷籍知名媒體人。他長(zhǎng)期致力于在阿根廷等國(guó)家推廣中華傳統(tǒng)文化,2018年在阿根廷榮獲“文化推廣杰出貢獻(xiàn)獎(jiǎng)”。他創(chuàng)辦的雜志《當(dāng)代》,是布宜諾斯艾利斯市政府重點(diǎn)扶持的文化項(xiàng)目之一。著有《關(guān)于中國(guó),你需要知道的一切》(西文)、《秋天的蝴蝶》(西文),也曾撰寫(xiě)反映阿根廷中國(guó)移民家庭代際沖突的劇本《謝謝你,爺爺》,反映布宜諾斯艾利斯的臺(tái)灣和廣東移民故事的紀(jì)錄片《南方人》(Arribe?os)主要撰稿人之一。

Gustavo Ng, whose Chinese name is Wu Zhiwei, is a Chinese-Argentinian hybrid and a well-known Argentine media person. He has been committed to promoting traditional Chinese culture in Argentina and other countries for a long time. In 2018, he won the "Cultural Promotion Outstanding Contribution Award" in Argentina. The magazine "Dang Dai" he founded is one of the cultural projects supported by the Buenos Aires city government. He is the author of "Everything You Need to Know about China" (Todo lo quenecesitas saber sobre China) and "Butterfly of Automn" (Mariposa de Oto?o). He also wrote the script "Thank You, Granpa" (Gracias, Abuelo) that reflects the intergenerational conflicts of Chinese immigrant families in Argentina. He is one of the main contributors to the documentary "Southerners" (Arribe?os) which tells Buenos Aires' Taiwan and Guangdong immigration stories.
