Stolen Focus 被偷去的注意力


Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention is a book by Johann Hari, published in 2022. The book explores the decline of attention in the modern world, and argues that our inability to focus is a major problem with far-reaching consequences.

Hari begins by tracing the history of attention, from the early days of human evolution to the present day. He argues that our brains are wired for focus, and that we need to be able to concentrate in order to learn, create, and solve problems. However, he argues that the modern world is full of distractions that are making it increasingly difficult to focus.

Hari then explores the twelve deep causes of this crisis, from the decline of mind-wandering to rising pollution, all of which have robbed some of our attention. He also looks at the ways in which our attention is being stolen by powerful external forces, such as social media companies and the advertising industry.

In the final part of the book, Hari offers some solutions to the problem of attention loss. He argues that we need to create a world that is more conducive to focus, and that we need to learn to resist the distractions that are constantly vying for our attention.

Stolen Focus is an important book that everyone should read. It is a wake-up call about the problem of attention loss, and it offers a number of practical solutions that can help us to reclaim our focus.