Clementine 01


興趣年齡:6-8歲 (英美同步閱讀)

Clementine is NOT having a good week.
On Monday she's sent to the principal's office for cutting off Margaret's hair. On Tuesday, Margaret's mother is mad at her. On Wednesday, she's sent to the principal, again. On Thursday, Margaret stops speaking to her. Then Friday starts with yucky eggs and only gets worse. And by Saturday, even her mother is mad at her.

Okay, fine. Clementine is having a DISASTROUS week. But maybe she can find a way to make it better.



簡介:安妮,英語老師,家有三枚原版娃: 老大,985大學(xué),《哈利波特》真愛粉; 老二、老三同時(shí)英語啟蒙,自主閱讀高章,目前在家精讀英文《萬物簡史》(科普高階,2萬詞匯)。 每個(gè)孩子都可以通過家庭英語啟蒙,告別聾啞英語,輕松實(shí)現(xiàn)全英文閱讀。 接地氣: 深耕十年、實(shí)踐總結(jié)的英語啟蒙進(jìn)階的方法和路線圖,簡單、可行、高效。 英語小白媽媽一樣可以帶出英文原版娃。