Mother Goose


This new edition of Mother Goose is published for children of the 21st century,illustrated by Blanche Fisher Wright,with notes by Karen L. Smith,the professional Canadian language teacher.
Since the original edition published in 1916,the Old Mother Goose has been delighting thousands upon thousands of boys and girls, and the magic is as strong as ever. Men and women who loved it in their childhood are now buying the book for their children. Teachers and librarians everywhere acclaim this edition as the “standard” Mother Goose. Including 305 nurseries,colorful pictures,this book is spreading from generation to generation.

在西方家庭,“Mother Goose”跟圣誕老人一樣,家喻戶曉、幼孺皆知。小寶貝們降臨于世,便伴隨著這些趣味無(wú)窮、朗朗上口的童謠,在大人懷抱中一天天長(zhǎng)大。
引入中國(guó)出版的此英文版,初版于1916年,由著名插圖畫(huà)家布蘭琪?費(fèi)雪?萊特繪圖。幽默而充滿生活情趣的彩色繪圖,給大人和孩子帶來(lái)無(wú)窮快樂(lè)與美好。有些童謠,蘊(yùn)涵著特定歷史故事與時(shí)代背景,為幫助國(guó)內(nèi)讀者理解,我們特邀請(qǐng)加拿大英語(yǔ)教育專家凱倫?L?史密斯女士專門(mén)為此版予以注解,因此這是全球第一個(gè)帶有英文注解的Mother Goose,有助于中國(guó)父母和孩子更準(zhǔn)確、更貼近地領(lǐng)略到Mother Goose瑰麗的魅力,對(duì)兒童英語(yǔ)啟蒙頗有幫助。
