


Cultivation and immortality, as part of ancient Chinese philosophical systems and cultivation cultures, are both about the internal enhancement and transcendence of human beings, differing only in their paths and modes of expression.

The pursuit of physical longevity, although occupying an important position in ancient cultivation culture, has been proven over time to be not only impossible to achieve but also not necessarily essential. Both Buddhist concepts of liberation and Taoist principles of nature emphasize letting go of the attachment to the physical body and material possessions, and instead pursuing inner awakening and tranquility.

This is a profound philosophy in the culture of immortality: the pursuit of immortality is about the soul, not the physical body. This notion is deeply rooted in Taoism and other ancient spiritual cultivation systems. The ultimate goal of pursuing immortality is not to maintain the physical body's longevity but to transcend the limitations of life, liberate the soul, and explore the infinite universe. As it is said, the soul is like the software in a computer, not the hardware itself; only when the soul is liberated from the physical body can there be true freedom and room for development.



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