Sheep in a Shop


A birthday'scoming!

Hip hooray!

Five sheep shopfor the big,big day.

Sheep findrackets.

Sheep findrockets.

Sheep findjackets full of pockets.

Sheep findblocks.

Sheep findclocks.

Sheep try trains.

Sheep fly planes.

Sheep decide tobuy a beach ball.

Sheep prefer anout-of-reach ball.


Sheep climb.

Sheep grumble.

Sheep reach.

Sheep fumble.


Sheep sprawl.

Boxes tumble.

Boxes fall in onebig jumble.

Sheep put back

the beach ballstack.

They choose someribbon

from the rack.

They dump theirbank.

Pennies clank.

There's notenough to buy this stuff.

Sheep blink.

Sheep think.

What can theyswap

to pay the shop?

Sheep clip wool,

three bags full.

Sheep trade.

The bill is paid.

Sheep hop home

in the warmspring sun.



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