【暢銷書目】The Scorpio Races Part II


The Scorpio Races

by?Maggie Stiefvater

It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.Even under the brightest sun, the frigid autumn sea is allthe colors of the night: dark blue and black and brown. I watchthe ever-changing patterns in the sand as it’s pummeled by countless hooves.

They run the horses on the beach, a pale road between the black water and the chalk cliffs. It is never safe, but it’s never sodangerous as today, race day.

This time of year, I live and breathe the beach. My cheeksfeel raw with the wind throwing sand against them. My thighssting from the friction of the saddle. My arms ache from hold-ing up two thousand pounds of horse. I have forgotten what itis like to be warm and what a full night’s sleep feels like andwhat my name sounds like spoken instead of shouted acrossyards of sand.

I am so, so alive. ......
