Monstrous Series


Monstrous Series 1-2 - MarcyKate Connolly
Product Details
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 3 - 7

Publisher: HarperCollins
Language: English

The city of Bryre suffers under the magic of an evil wizard. Because of his curse, girls sicken and disappear without a trace, and Bryre's inhabitants live in fear. No one is allowed outside after dark.

Yet night is the only time Kymera can enter this dangerous city, for she must not be seen by humans. Her father says they would not understand her wings, the bolts in her neck, or her spiky tail--they would kill her. They would not understand that she was created for a purpose: to rescue the girls of Bryre.

Despite her caution a boy named Ren sees Kym and begins to leave a perfect red rose for her every evening. As they become friends, Kym learns that Ren knows about the missing girls, the wizard, and the evil magic that haunts Bryre.
And what he knows will change Kym's life.
