Crazy Rich Hollywood 影評(píng):瘋狂的好萊塢富豪

2018-12-05 13:00:0105:21 5.8萬

I had hoped that the movieCrazy Rich Asians,which opens in theaters in the mainland today, would be a satire about the decadent lives of those who inherit astonishing amounts of wealth without ever doing anything to earn it. It’s not. It is a celebration of the lifestyles of young men and women who have no purpose in life except trying to look stylish and who think nothing of taking a private jet to fly from Singapore to Shanghai just to buy a million-dollar-plus bauble.


This movie has been widely praised by the politically-correct American chattering class for being the first movie in twenty years to feature an all Asian cast. (They don’t count movies actually made in Asian countries.) The argument is that Asians will feel empowered by seeing someone like themselves in a movie. But, I’m confident that none of the hard-working people I know in China would see anything of themselves in the shallow, spoiled, pointless money-worshippers depicted in this movie.


I’m amazed that the film has not been criticized for its glorification of great wealth and careless, extravagant spending. What happened to the outrage against income inequality? America’s fashionable posers only pretend to care about that.


This is a Hollywood movie, not an Asian movie. It reflects the values of Hollywood, not of most Asians—nor of most Americans.


As might be expected, the director, Jon M. Chu, is best known for having directed two Justin Bieber documentaries. After visiting the Amsterdam hiding place of Anne Frank, Bieber famously wrote that he hoped “she would have been a Belieber,” (his word for one of his fans) if she had just not been so unfortunate as to have died in the Nazi Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Followers of Justin Bieber should love this movie.


There are some gorgeous views of Singapore, but they are repetitive. After two long hours, even such photography becomes boring.


The story is Jane Austen without the wit or the insight into human emotions.


Our heroine, Rachel Chu, played by daytime soap opera actress Constance Wu, is a Chinese-American economics professor at New York University. Her boyfriend, Nick Young, played by Singaporean Henry Golding, is also a professor of something or other at the university.


Rachel’s mother arrived in New York from China while pregnant, later telling Rachel that her father died before she was born. Working her way up from poverty, Rachel’s mother eventually becomes a successful middle-class real-estate agent in Queens.


We are told that Nick and Rachel are in love. But there seems to be no chemistry between them. There is not enough story to explain why they love each other, except that they are both pretty good looking.


Nick unexpectedly asks her to accompany him back to Singapore, where he will be best man in a wedding. Rachel has no idea that he is rich until they are booked into a first-class bedroom for the flight.


The plot from there is predictable. Nick’s family rejects Rachel because she is not from a wealthy family. There are lots of photos of how the super-rich live and party. She overcomes lots of snubs to eventually get her man.


Nick catches Rachel to propose marriage to Rachel while she is boarding her economy-class flight back to New York. But he does this only after getting permission from his mother. What a brave hero.


Nick’s mother, our villain, played by Michelle Yeoh, is ridiculed as a hypocrite. She spends more in a week, maybe in a day, than most people earn in a lifetime, but still quotes the Gospel of Matthew: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal.…For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”


It’s easy to make fun of such hypocrisy, but is the shallow hedonism and vast social irresponsibility glorified by this movie better?


In order to write this review, I felt it was my duty to read the trilogy of books by Singaporean Kevin Kwan, on which the movie is based. Be warned, the second book moves the story to mainland China. It turns out that Rachel’s real father is one of the richest men in China. That makes her acceptable to Nick’s family and friends. So, don’t worry—everything is okay in the end.


I’ve been trying to figure out how China transformed itself in forty years from one of the poorest countries in the world to its current middle-income status. So, I’ve asked lots of Chinese why they think this was possible. The almost universal answer is that it’s because Chinese people work so hard.


China Daily has had many stories of young people who were able overcome poverty by the dint of hard work and by building up businesses.


Let’s see some movies about the real crazy, hard-working Asians.



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