[詳解] 英語四級單詞磨耳朵(421-440)|每天打卡,跟我背單詞

2019-03-06 00:00:0640:05 2.8萬


2022/12/6 更新為詳解版

421. liar:/?la??/ n. 騙子,說謊的人【Are you calling me a liar? 你是在說我是騙子么?】

422. mix:/m?ks/ v. (使)混合,拌和【Oil and water don't mix. 油和水不能混合。// Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar. 充分搖動瓶子,使油與醋混合。// The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste. 粉末與冷水混合形成糊狀物?!?;把…結(jié)合起來,使同時進行【Their musical style mixes elements of Eastern culture and Western pop. 他們的音樂風(fēng)格融合了東方文化和西方流行音樂的元素。//  I don't like to mix business with pleasure (=combine business and social activities at the same time). 我不喜歡把工作和娛樂結(jié)合起來?!浚唤煌?;相處;交際【Charlie doesn't mix well with the other children. 查理和其他孩子相處得并不好?!?;n. 混合;結(jié)合;混雜【There was an odd mix of people at Patrick's party. Patrick的派對上有形形色色的人。// "She's studying physics and philosophy." "That's an interesting mix." “她在學(xué)習(xí)物理和哲學(xué)?!薄斑@種組合很有趣?!薄?/p>

423. mixture:/?m?kst??r/ n. 混合;混合物;混合體;混合料;結(jié)合體【The town is a mixture of the old and the new. 這個城鎮(zhèn)是新舊混合的。// the mixture of different people living in the city 生活在這個城市的不同人群 // Fill the bread with a mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. 在面包中加入生菜、西紅柿和黃瓜的混合物。// Pour the mixture into four small dishes. 將混合物倒入四個小盤子中?!?/p>

424. smooth:/smu?e/ adj. 光滑的,平滑的【The stone steps had been worn smooth. 石階已磨得光滑。】;順利的,流暢的【Sarah is responsible for the smooth running of the sales department.  Sarah負責銷售部門的順利運作。// The new government has promised a smooth transition of power. 新政府承諾權(quán)力平穩(wěn)過渡?!浚黄椒€(wěn)的;連續(xù)而流暢的【Swing the tennis racket in one smooth motion. 平穩(wěn)地揮動網(wǎng)球拍。// The jet made a smooth landing. 噴氣式飛機平穩(wěn)著陸。】;圓滑的,能說會道的【He was a smooth talker. 他是個能說會道的人。// George is a smooth operator (=someone who does things in a smooth way). 喬治是個行事圓滑的人?!?;(飲料;味道)醇和的,香醇的【This coffee is incredibly smooth and rich. 這種咖啡的味道醇香濃郁?!?;(嗓音;音樂)悅耳的;圓潤的【He has one of those silky smooth (=very smooth) voices. 他有一種柔和圓潤的嗓音?!?;v. 使平整;使平坦;使平滑;使光滑【Smooth down all the surfaces before you start painting. 在上漆之前,把所有面磨平整。】;撫平;(使)平整【Liz smoothed her skirt and sat down. 麗茲撫平了裙子,坐了下來。】;使順利,使順暢【W(wǎng)e encourage parents to help smooth their children's way through school. 我們鼓勵父母讓自己的孩子通過求學(xué)鋪平人生之路。】;搽,抹【Pour some oil into the palm of your hand and then smooth it over your arms and neck. 往手掌中倒一點油,然后輕輕涂在手臂和脖子上?!?/p>

425. roast:/r??st/ v. 烘,烤,焙(肉等)【Are you going to roast the chicken? 你打算烤雞肉嗎? // I love eating roast lamb with mint sauce and roast potatoes at Easter time. 我喜歡在復(fù)活節(jié)吃烤土豆和薄荷醬烤羊肉?!?;烘焙(堅果或咖啡豆)【dry-roasted peanuts 烤花生】;曝曬;烘烤【She could feel her skin beginning to roast. 她能感覺到皮膚開始曬得發(fā)燙了?!?;嚴厲批評;非難;(對某人)非常生氣【They got roasted for losing the game.  他們因比賽失利而遭到嚴厲批評?!?;adj. 烤的;烘焙的【roast chicken 烤雞】;n. 大塊烤肉【a traditional Sunday roast 傳統(tǒng)的周日烤肉】;(對名人的)吐槽【There will be a roast hosted by Bill Maher to mark Larry King's 50 years on radio and television. 比爾·梅爾將主持一場吐槽會,紀念拉里·金在廣播電視界從業(yè)50周年。】

426. resign:/r??za?n/ v.(正式宣布你決定離開你的工作或組織)辭職;辭去(某職務(wù))【She resigned from the government last week. 她上周從政府辭職。// My father resigned his directorship last year.我父親去年辭去了董事的職務(wù)?!?/p>

427. pose:/p??z/ v. 造成,引起(尤指問題或困難)【Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat. 官員們聲稱這種化學(xué)物質(zhì)不會造成真正的威脅。// The events pose a challenge to the church’s leadership. 這些事件對教會的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層構(gòu)成了挑戰(zhàn)。// Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration. 不斷上升的失業(yè)率給政府帶來了嚴重的問題?!浚唬ㄓ戎冈谡綀龊希┨岢觯▎栴}),質(zhì)詢【Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier? 我們能否回到海倫娜早先提出的那個問題上去?// You need to pose these questions at a good time. 你需要適時提出這些問題。】;擺好姿勢(拍照)【W(wǎng)e posed for photographs. 我們擺姿勢拍照。】;假裝,冒充;裝腔作勢【The gang entered the building posing as workmen. 這伙匪徒冒充工人混進了大樓。//  He doesn't really know a thing about the theatre - he's just posing! 他其實對戲劇一無所知——他只是在裝腔作勢!】;n. (為拍照、畫像等擺出的)樣子,姿勢【Ann struck a pose (=stood or sat in a particular position) and smiled for the camera. 安擺了個姿勢,對著鏡頭微笑。// So many people like to strike a pose when they take selfies. 很多人在自拍時都喜歡擺姿勢?!?;裝腔作勢【Her confidence was merely a pose to hide her uncertainty. 她的自信只是一種姿態(tài),以掩飾她的遲疑和不確定。// She likes to appear as if she knows all about the latest films and art exhibitions, but it's all a pose (= she's pretending and it's not true). 她喜歡擺出一副對最新電影和藝術(shù)展無所不知的樣子,但不過是裝腔作勢而已。】

428. terminal:/?t??rm?n?l/ n.站臺;候機樓,航站;碼頭【the airport's passenger terminal 機場的客運站】;(計算機) 終端,終端機;(電路的)端子,線接頭,接線端;adj.(疾?。┩砥诘?,末期的【terminal cancer 晚期癌癥】;不可救藥的;無可挽回的【The industry is in terminal decline. 這個行業(yè)每況愈下,一蹶不振。】

429. convenience:/k?n?vi?ni?ns/ n. 方便,便利;適宜,合宜;便利;近便【For the sake of convenience, the two groups have been treated as one in this report. 為了方便起見,本報告將這兩個群體視為一個群體。// Ready meals sell well because of their convenience. 即食食品因其方便而暢銷。 // Most of us like the convenience of using credit cards to buy things. 我們大多數(shù)人都喜歡使用信用卡購物的便利性。// I usually shop online out of convenience.  為了方便,我通常在網(wǎng)上購物。// For your convenience, the bank is open until 7 p.m. 為了您的方便,銀行營業(yè)到晚上7點?!?;便利的事物(或設(shè)施);方便的用具【The house has every modern convenience. 這所房子里現(xiàn)代化便利設(shè)施一應(yīng)俱全。】;at your convenience 在…方便的時候 【The goods will be delivered at your convenience. 貨物隨要隨到?!?;at your earliest convenience 盡快 = as soon as you like or can 【Please return the completed form at your earliest convenience. 請將填好的表格盡快交回?!?/p>

430. convenient:/k?n?vi?ni?nt/ adj. 方便的;便利的;省事的【My secretary will call you to arrange a convenient time to meet.  我的秘書會打電話給你,安排一個方便的會面時間。// Is three o'clock convenient for you?  三點鐘對你方便嗎? // It is simple and convenient to use. 使用簡單方便。// It would be more convenient for me to drive. That way I don't have to wait for the bus. 我開車會更方便。這樣我就不用等公共汽車了。// When will be convenient for you? 你什么時候方便?】;<在日常英語中,比起說'a convenient time/day',人們更常說'a good time/day',如:Is this a good time for you to talk?>;近的;容易得到的;好用的【The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient. 拐角處的公共汽車站可能是最近的?!?/p>

431. burden:/?b??rdn/ n. 負擔,重擔,(義務(wù)、責任等的)重擔;負荷,重負【His family responsibilities had started to become a burden. 他的家庭責任開始成為一種負擔。// I am not equipped to shoulder the burden of management yet.  我還不具備承擔管理責任的能力。 // They have zero fault in this case, yet they carry the burden.  他們在該案中沒有過錯,但他們承擔了責任?!?;v. 煩擾;加重壓于;(使)擔負(沉重或艱難的任務(wù)、職責等)【I don't want to burden you with my worries. 我不想讓你為我的煩惱操心?!?/p>

432. clumsy:/?kl?mzi/ adj. 笨拙的,不靈活的;笨手笨腳,毛手毛腳,不靈巧【A clumsy waiter spilled wine all over her new skirt. 一個笨手笨腳的服務(wù)員把酒灑在她的新裙子上。// She was clumsy, a bit ham-handed. 她很笨拙,有些笨手笨腳的。<ham-handed 笨手笨腳的> // Don't go near my experiment! You're so clumsy you'll knock it all over. 不要接近我的實驗!你太笨手笨腳了,會把它打翻的。// I'm pretty clumsy when it comes to playing volleyball. 我打排球時很笨拙?!?/p>

433. comprise:/k?m?pra?z/ v. 包括;包含;構(gòu)成,組成,由…組成【The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. 這所房子包括兩間臥室、一間廚房和一間客廳。// The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers. 該委員會由知名登山運動員組成。// Women comprise a high proportion of part-time workers. 婦女在兼職工人中占很大比例?!?/p>

434. argument:/?ɑ?rɡj?m?nt/ n. 爭論;爭吵;爭辯;爭執(zhí)【She had a big argument with her husband. 她和丈夫大吵了一架。// There have been a lot of arguments about who was responsible for the accident. 關(guān)于誰對事故負責,有很多爭論。】;理由,論據(jù),論點;論證,說理【W(wǎng)e need to provide a convincing argument as to why the system should be changed. 我們需要提供一個令人信服的理由來解釋為什么應(yīng)該改變這個制度。// Her argument makes perfect sense to me. 我覺得她說的很有道理。// Don't reopen that argument. Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要重新開始爭論,別惹麻煩了。<Let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹是非 ; 別惹麻煩; 別多事>】

435. agriculture:/??ɡr??k?lt??r/ n. 農(nóng)業(yè);農(nóng)藝【More than 75% of the land is used for agriculture. 75%以上的土地用于農(nóng)業(yè)。// The President called on the wealthy countries for financial aid after the floods destroyed much of the country's agriculture. 洪水摧毀了該國大部分農(nóng)業(yè),總統(tǒng)呼吁富裕國家提供財政援助?!?/p>

436. pattern:/?p?t?n/ n.方式,形式;模式【W(wǎng)eather patterns have changed in recent years. 近年來天氣模式發(fā)生了變化。// changing patterns of behaviour among students 改變學(xué)生的行為模式】;圖案,花樣【a black and white striped pattern 黑白條紋圖案】;范本,典范;榜樣【The design is so good it's sure to set the pattern for many others. 這個設(shè)計太好了,一定會成為許多其他設(shè)計的樣板?!?;圖樣,底樣【a dress pattern 服裝底樣】

437. briefcase:/?bri?fke?s/ n. 公文包;公事包

438. except:/?k?sept/ prep. conj. (表示不包括)除…之外【The office is open every day except Sundays. 除星期日外,辦公室每天都營業(yè)。// You can have any of the cakes except this one. 除了這一塊,這些蛋糕你隨便拿。// Everyone went except for Scott and Dan. 除了斯科特和丹,大家都去了。// She felt fine except for being a little tired. 除了有點累之外,她感覺很好。// Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry. 克拉麗莎除了感到非常抱歉外,想不出別的話來。// Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency. 除緊急情況外,員工不得打私人電話。// Benson kept the studio locked except when he was working there. 本森一直把工作室鎖著,除非他在那里工作。// She had nothing to do except spend money. 除了花錢,她無事可做。// He wouldn't talk about work, except to say that he was busy. 他不愿談?wù)摴ぷ?,只是說他很忙。】;用于說明某事沒有做或沒有發(fā)生的原因【Liz would have run, except that she didn't want to appear to be in a hurry. 利茲本來會跑的,但她不想顯得很匆忙?!?lt;注意:我們可以把except放在名詞前,如:The shop is open every day except Sunday. 或者 She invited everyone except Tom. 這時我們也可以用except for 放在someone或者something前,例如:The shop is open every day except for Sunday. 或者 She invited everyone except for Tom. 但是我們不能說 except of;我們可以說 except (that),在口語中,這里的‘that’經(jīng)常被省略,如:The twins look very similar, except one is taller than the other.;我們也可以說except when/where/if,如:I cycle to work, except when it rains. 或者 You have to attend, except if you're ill. 注意,這里的表示時間/地點/或者條件的when/where/if 不能被省略,我們不能說 I cycle to work, except it rains. 或者 You have to attend, except you're ill. 這是不對的。>

439. progress:/?pr??ɡres/,/?prɑ?ɡres/ n. 進步,進展,進程【The police are disappointed by the slow progress of the investigation. 警方對調(diào)查進展緩慢感到失望。// There has been significant progress in controlling heart disease. 在控制心臟病方面取得了重大進展。// We've made some progress on this project today, so I'm really happy. Let's celebrate! 我們今天在這個項目上取得了一些進展,所以我真的很高興。讓我們慶祝一下!// So, I asked you to come here as I have been monitoring your progress. 因為我一直在監(jiān)測你的進展,所以,我要求你來這里。// He kept a journal to record the progress of the experiment. 他寫了一本日記,記錄實驗的進展?!?;前進;行進【I have been making steady progress. 我一直在穩(wěn)步進步?!浚?b>in progress 正在進行中 【W(wǎng)ork on the new offices is now in progress. 新辦公樓正在施工?!浚籿. /pr??ɡres/ 進步;改進;進展【She started with a cleaning job, and progressed to running the company. 她從一份清潔工作開始,逐步發(fā)展到經(jīng)營公司。// My Spanish never really progressed beyond the stage of being able to order drinks at the bar. 我的西班牙語一點也沒有真正提高,也就是能在酒吧點飲料用用?!?;前進;行進;(時間上)推移,流逝;緩慢進行【As the war progressed, more and more countries became involved. 隨著戰(zhàn)爭的推進,越來越多的國家卷入其中?!?/p>

440. valley:/?v?li/ n. 谷;山谷,溪谷;流域【the San Fernando Valley 圣費爾南多山谷】






平臺的BUG嗎? 手動點擊下一集的鏈接應(yīng)該就會更新了






liar mix mixture smooth roast resign pose terminal convenient burden comprise argument agriculture pattern briefcase valley











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