[詳解] 英語四級(jí)單詞磨耳朵(551-570)|每天打卡,跟我背單詞

2019-03-12 00:00:0041:47 2.2萬


2023年元月15日 本集更新為詳解版

551. advertise:/??dv?rta?z/ v.(尤指為了銷售某物)登廣告,做廣告,宣傳;公布;征聘【They no longer advertise alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. 他們不再在體育賽事上為酒或香煙做廣告。// Many companies will only advertise in the Sunday paper. 許多公司只會(huì)在星期日的報(bào)紙上登廣告?!?/p>

552. allowance:/??la??ns/ n. 津貼;補(bǔ)貼;補(bǔ)助【Sales staff get a generous mileage allowance or a company car. 銷售人員可以獲得豐厚的里程津貼或公司用車。// If you are entitled to sickness allowance, you must claim it from your employer. 如果你有權(quán)領(lǐng)取疾病津貼,你必須向雇主申請(qǐng)?!浚欢?;限額【Passengers’baggage allowance is 75 pounds per person. 旅客行李限重為每人75鎊。// the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C 建議的每日維生素C攝入量】; 免稅額【a new tax allowance 新的免稅額】;父母給孩子的錢,零花錢(英式英語用 pocket money)【Some students have an allowance from their parents. 有些學(xué)生從父母那里得到零花錢?!?;make allowance(s) for sth 考慮到,估計(jì)到(如在決策或計(jì)劃時(shí))【The budget made allowance for inflation. 預(yù)算考慮到了通貨膨脹。// The plan makes no allowance for people working at different rates. 這個(gè)計(jì)劃沒有把人們工作速度不同考慮在內(nèi)?!?;make allowances (for sb) 體諒;諒解【He's tired so I'll make allowances for him. 他很累,所以我會(huì)體諒他?!?/p>

553. rust:/r?st/ n. 銹;鐵銹【There were large patches of rust on the car. 汽車上有大片銹跡。】;v. (使)生銹【The metal had begun to rust. 金屬開始生銹了。// The gate was old and badly rusted. 大門破舊不堪,銹得很厲害?!?/p>

554. channel:/?t??nl/ n. 電視臺(tái);(電視或廣播)頻道;波段【Disney Channel 迪斯尼頻道 // The kids are watching cartoons on the Disney Channel. 孩子們正在迪斯尼頻道看動(dòng)畫片。// He changed channels to watch the basketball game. 他換了頻道觀看籃球比賽。// You have to pay a monthly fee of $9.99 to subscribe to this channel in English. 你得支付9.99美元的月費(fèi)才能訂閱這個(gè)英語頻道?!?;(交流的)途徑,渠道【The U.S. is working through diplomatic channels to find a solution. 美國正在通過外交渠道尋求解決方案。// It is important that we open channels of communication with the police. 重要的是,我們要與警方建立溝通渠道。】;(提供產(chǎn)品、信息等的)途徑;渠道;方法;系統(tǒng)【The new software will be sold through existing distribution channels. 新軟件將通過現(xiàn)有的銷售渠道銷售。// The insurer sells its products through a variety of distribution channels, including banks. 保險(xiǎn)公司通過包括銀行在內(nèi)的各種渠道銷售其產(chǎn)品?!浚凰?;航道;水渠;溝渠;河槽;海峽【Bristol Channel 布里斯托爾海峽 // St George's Channel 圣喬治海峽 // an irrigation channel 灌溉渠】;(機(jī)場(chǎng)或港口檢查旅客行李的)通道【If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel. 如果你沒有東西要申報(bào),就走綠色通道?!?;v. (利用某途徑)輸送資金(或能量等),提供幫助;引導(dǎo);把…導(dǎo)入,將…引入【Most of his energy was channeled into writing and lecturing. 他的大部分精力都用于寫作和演講。// Money for the project will be channelled through local government. 這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的資金將由地方政府提供?!?;(經(jīng)過通道)輸送,傳送【Drugs from government pharmacies were being channeled into illegal drug markets. 來自政府藥店的藥品被輸送到非法藥品市場(chǎng)。】

555. tag:/t?ɡ/ n. 標(biāo)簽;標(biāo)牌【a price tag 價(jià)格標(biāo)簽 // Personal freedom comes with a price tag. 自由是要付出代價(jià)的。// All the staff wore name tags. 所有員工都佩戴著名牌。】;稱呼;諢名【They are finally ready to drop the tag ‘the new Beatles’. 他們終于準(zhǔn)備放棄“新披頭士樂隊(duì)”這一稱謂?!浚籿. 給…加上標(biāo)簽,給…貼上標(biāo)簽,給…掛上標(biāo)牌【Each animal was tagged with a number for identification. 每只動(dòng)物都系上了標(biāo)有號(hào)碼的小牌,以便辨認(rèn)?!浚话选Q作;給(某人)起諢名【The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation. 這個(gè)國家不愿意再被稱為第三世界國家?!?;tag along (behind/with sb) 跟隨,尾隨(尤指未經(jīng)同意或邀請(qǐng))【James doesn't want his little brother to tag along.  James不想讓他弟弟跟著。// She might punch me in the eye again if I tag along.  如果我再跟著,她可能會(huì)再揍我一頓?!?/p>

556. bulk:/b?lk/ n. 主體;大部分 the bulk (of sth)【The bulk of the population lives in cities. 大多數(shù)人口居住在城市里。// The bulk of the work is done. There are just a few bits and pieces left now. 大部分工作已經(jīng)完成。現(xiàn)在只剩下一些零碎的東西了?!浚痪薮蟮臇|西;大塊,大團(tuán);大規(guī)模;大量【She eased her large bulk out of the chair. 她緩緩地將她那龐大的身軀從椅子上挪開。// Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast. 盡管這輛車大而且重,速度卻非???。// It's cheaper to buy in bulk. 大批購買便宜些。// The office buys paper in bulk to keep down costs. 辦公室批量買進(jìn)紙張以減少成本?!?/p>

557. branch:/brɑ?nt?/,/br?nt?/ n. 樹枝【The topmost branches were full of birds. 最頂端的樹枝上停滿了鳥兒。<topmost /?tɑ?pmo?st/ 最頂端的;最高的;最上面的> // The fruit on the lower branches was protected from the sun. 下邊樹枝上的果子見不到陽光?!?;(公司/企業(yè))分支機(jī)構(gòu);分部;分行;分店【The bank has branches all over the country. 該銀行在全國各地都有分行。// They're planning to open a branch in St. Louis next year. 他們計(jì)劃明年在圣路易斯開一家分店?!?;政府部門;分支機(jī)構(gòu)【All branches of government are having to cut costs. 所有政府部門都必須削減成本。】;(學(xué)科及語言的)分支【the branch of computer science known as ‘a(chǎn)rtificial intelligence’ 被稱為“人工智能”的計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)分支】;一部分;家族分支;支族,旁系【the wealthy South American branch of the family 家族中富有的南美分支 // One branch of their family (= one group of relatives) emigrated to Brazil. 他們家族的一支移居到了巴西。// Immunology is a branch of biological science. 免疫學(xué)是生物科學(xué)的一個(gè)分支。<Immunology /??mju?nɑ?l?d?i/ 免疫,免疫學(xué)>】;支流;岔路;(血管)分枝【This branch of the river eventually empties into the Atlantic. 大河的這條支流最終注入大西洋?!?;v. 出枝;發(fā)出新枝;分岔,岔開【The top of the tree had been cut off to encourage it to branch (out) lower down. 樹冠已被砍去,目的是為了促使它從下面抽出新枝。// The road branches at the bottom of the hill. 公路在山腳下分岔。// Peter doesn't want to hang out just with the same friends all the time. He wants to branch out and meet new people.  Peter不想一直和同一個(gè)朋友在一起。他想擴(kuò)大范圍,結(jié)識(shí)新朋友。<branch out 擴(kuò)大范圍 ; 拓展領(lǐng)域> 】

558. garlic:/?ɡɑ?r.l?k/ n.大蒜【I love eating garlic, but sometimes it can make your breath a bit smelly. 我喜歡吃大蒜,但有時(shí)它會(huì)讓你的呼吸有口氣。】

559. monthly:/?m?nθli/ adj. 每月的;每月一次的;按月(的);按月結(jié)算的;有效期為一個(gè)月的【Those with outstanding records will receive a scholarship and monthly allowance for four years. 成績(jī)優(yōu)異者將獲得獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金和為期四年的每月津貼。// You have to pay a monthly fee of $9.99 to subscribe to this channel in English. 你得支付9.99美元的月費(fèi)才能訂閱這個(gè)英語頻道。// Newspapers are published daily while magazines are published weekly or monthly. 報(bào)紙每天出版,雜志每周或每月出版。】;n. (雜志)月刊

560. alcohol:/??lk?h?l/ n. 酒;酒精,乙醇;含酒精飲料;酒【I don't drink alcohol anymore. 我不再喝酒了。// people with alcohol problems (=people who drink too much) 酗酒的人 // alcohol abuse (=when someone drinks too much) 酗酒 // low alcohol drinks 低度酒精飲料 // I drank no alcohol all evening, so I was stone-cold sober and able to drive. 我整個(gè)晚上都不喝酒,所以我非常清醒,能夠開車。<stone-cold sober 滴酒未沾的;完全清醒的>】

561. alcoholic:/??lk??h?l?k/ adj. 酒精的;含酒精的【alcoholic beverages / alcoholic drinks 酒精飲料 // Do you serve any non-alcoholic beers? 你們供應(yīng)不含酒精的啤酒嗎?】;飲酒引起的【The guests left in an alcoholic haze. 客人們醉醺醺地離去了?!浚籲. 酗酒者,嗜酒者

562. superb:/sju??p??b/ ,/s??p??rb/ adj.極好的,超級(jí)的,杰出的,卓越的;質(zhì)量極高的【The food was superb. 食物棒極了。// He is a superb dancer. 他是一個(gè)杰出的舞蹈家?!?/p>

563. faithful:/?fe?θf?l/ adj. 忠實(shí)的;忠誠的【a faithful friend 忠實(shí)的朋友 // His faithful old dog accompanied him everywhere he went. 無論去哪里,他那條忠誠的老狗總是伴他左右。// He remained faithful to the ideals of the party. 他對(duì)黨的理想堅(jiān)貞不移?!?;(配偶或性伴侶)忠誠的,忠貞的【He was faithful to his wife throughout their 30-year marriage. 在30年的婚姻生活中,他一直忠于他的妻子?!?;如實(shí)的,絲毫不作改動(dòng)的,絲毫不變的【His translation manages to be faithful to the spirit of the original. 他的譯文做到了忠于原文的精神。// She gave a faithful account of what had happened on that night. 她如實(shí)講述了那晚發(fā)生的事情?!浚或\的【faithful Christians 虔誠的基督徒 // faithful followers of Buddhism 佛教的忠實(shí)信徒】;n. 忠實(shí)支持者【He gave a rousing speech to a room full of party faithfuls (= faithful supporters of a political party). 他向滿屋子的該政黨擁護(hù)者們發(fā)表了激動(dòng)人心的講話?!?/p>

564. faith:/fe?θ/ n. 信任;相信;信心【I still have faith in him. 我仍然相信他。// ‘Have faith, Alexandra, ’ he said. “別氣餒,Alexandra!”他說。// The public has lost faith in the government. 公眾對(duì)政府失去了信心。<have faith in 相信,信任> // It's really helped restore my faith in human nature. 這真有助于重拾我對(duì)人性得信心。// He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. 他盲目相信醫(yī)生有妙手回春的能力?!?;(某一)宗教;宗教信仰【the Christian faith 基督教 // the Buddhist faith 佛教 // a multi-faith society 宗教信仰多元化的社會(huì) // Even in the bad times she never lost her faith. 即使在困難時(shí)期,她也從未喪失信仰。// Faith is stronger than reason. 信仰比理智更有力。】

565. realm:/relm/ n. 領(lǐng)域;場(chǎng)所;王國【in the realm of literature 在文學(xué)領(lǐng)域內(nèi) // Her interests are in the realm of practical politics. 她的興趣在于實(shí)用政治。// At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy. 講話的最后,他似乎進(jìn)入了虛幻的境地。// the defence of the realm 保衛(wèi)王國 // The matter was hotly debated in all the towns of the realm. 此事在該王國內(nèi)的各個(gè)城鎮(zhèn)都進(jìn)行了激烈的討論?!?/p>

566. cross:/kr?s/,/kr??s/ v. 越過;橫穿;橫渡;橫跨;穿越;使交叉【It's easy to have an accident just crossing the road. 橫穿馬路很容易發(fā)生事故。// Look both ways before you cross over (= cross the road). 過馬路前先要左右看看。// It's much safer to cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. 在人行橫道過馬路要安全得多。// The bridge crosses the River Dee. 這座橋橫跨迪河。// The roads cross just outside the town. 這些道路正好在城外交叉。// She sat with her legs crossed. 她蹺著二郎腿坐著。】;與…作對(duì);惹惱【He hated anyone who crossed him. 他恨所有與他作對(duì)的人?!浚皇闺s交;使異種交配【a flower produced by crossing several different varieties 幾種不同品種雜交而成的花 // These cattle were crossed with a breed from the highlands. 這些牛與來自高地的品種雜交?!浚唬w育運(yùn)動(dòng),尤其是足球等球類運(yùn)動(dòng))橫傳【He crossed (the ball) to Bremer, who somehow failed to score from two metres out. 他把球橫傳給布萊梅,可是不知怎么的布萊梅兩米外射門卻沒有射中?!?;cross sb's mind (念頭)閃現(xiàn),掠過;想起,記起【It crossed my mind yesterday that you must be short of staff. 昨天我突然想起你一定缺人手。// It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy. 我從沒想過她可能會(huì)不高興?!?;cross your fingers 祈求成功(有時(shí)使手指交叉為祈求好運(yùn)的手勢(shì))【I'm crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted. 但愿我的建議能被采納。// Keep your fingers crossed! 祈求好運(yùn)吧!】;n. (標(biāo)示位置或錯(cuò)誤的)叉號(hào)(X);十字架;十字形物件;十字勛章;混合物;雜種;混血兒【Their dog is a cross between two well-known breeds. 他們的狗是兩個(gè)著名品種的雜交種。 】;(球類運(yùn)動(dòng))橫傳【He headed the ball into the net, after a great cross from Pele. 他接貝利一記精妙橫傳,一甩頭把球送入了網(wǎng)窩?!?/p>

567. crosswalk:/?kr?sw??k/,/?kr??sw??k/ n. 人行橫道(美式常用 zebra crossing

568. scrape:/skre?p/ v.去除;刮;擦【Scrape the carrots and slice them thinly. 把胡蘿卜刮干凈,切成薄片。// The earth was scraped away to uncover a trapdoor. 泥土被刮掉,露出一個(gè)活板門。// The two of them scraped their dishes clean. 他們倆把盤子擦干凈了?!?;刮壞;擦傷;蹭破【I heard the side of the car scrape against the wall. 我聽到汽車的側(cè)面剮蹭到墻上的聲音?!?;發(fā)出刺耳的刮擦聲【 I could hear his pen scraping across the paper. 我聽得見他的鋼筆在紙上沙沙地響?!?;艱難取得;勉強(qiáng)獲得【 I just scraped a pass in the exam. 我考試勉強(qiáng)及格?!?;n.(由于自身愚蠢而招致的)困境,危境【He got into all sorts of scrapes as a boy. 他小時(shí)候陷入各種困境。】;擦傷;擦痕【I came away from the accident with only cuts and scrapes. 我在事故中只受了劃傷和擦傷?!?/p>

569. iron:/?a??rn/ n. 鐵;鐵器;金屬工具【the iron and steel industry 鋼鐵工業(yè) // a driveway with large iron gates 有大鐵門的車道】;熨斗【a steam iron 蒸汽熨斗】;(高爾夫球運(yùn)動(dòng)中的)鐵頭球桿,鐵桿【He'll probably use a 2 or 3 iron for the shot. 他這一擊很可能要用2號(hào)或3號(hào)鐵頭球桿。】;v. 熨(衣),燙平【It takes about five minutes to iron a shirt properly. 熨好一件襯衣大約需要5分鐘。// I need to iron clothes today. 我今天需要熨衣服?!?;iron something out 解決;消除【I'm sure we can iron this out. 我相信我們能解決這個(gè)問題?!?;adj. 堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的;強(qiáng)硬堅(jiān)定的;極強(qiáng)壯的【I think you have to have an iron will to make some of these decisions. 我認(rèn)為你得有鋼鐵般的意志才能作出這些決定。// She was known as the ‘Iron Lady’. 大家都稱她為“鐵娘子”?!?/p>

570. structure:/?str?kt??r/ n. 結(jié)構(gòu);構(gòu)造;機(jī)構(gòu);體系【A new management structure has been introduced. 引入了新的管理結(jié)構(gòu)。// the grammatical structure of a sentence 句子的語法結(jié)構(gòu) // The logical structure of complex propositions. 復(fù)雜命題的邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)。// She had a beautiful face with very good bone structure. 她有一張漂亮的臉蛋,并且骨骼結(jié)構(gòu)非常好。 】;結(jié)構(gòu)體;(尤指)大型建筑物【The structure had been designed to withstand winds. 這座建筑的設(shè)計(jì)能抵御風(fēng)。】;v. 構(gòu)成;組織【How well does the teacher structure the lessons? 老師對(duì)課程組織安排得如何?// The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure. 展覽是圍繞工作與休閑的主題來布置的。】













2021.6 大學(xué)英語四級(jí)真題詳解



大學(xué)英語四級(jí)真題詳解 第8版



大學(xué)英語四級(jí)真題詳解 第7版




