6月14日 英語(yǔ):Man loots banks with avocado 無(wú)奇不有!男子手持牛油果搶銀行

2019-06-14 11:21:1003:49 13.1萬(wàn)
所屬專(zhuān)輯:China Daily 英語(yǔ)新聞

Giant pandas have emblem

A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis, has become the official global representative of China's giant pandas. The image of A Pu won the China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition, selected from more than 2,023 works recruited globally from 22 countries, the competition's organizers announced on Wednesday. 

"We gave A Pu the identity of a young male panda who will soon be a freshman in college and loves playing table tennis," according to the lead designer of the team, they created A Pu. "A Pu wears a red T-shirt on which an image of his favorite food - bamboo shoot - can be seen. The eyes of A Pu are heart-shaped, suggesting sentiments of love and caring." 

The image of A Pu will be widely promoted as the official icon of China's giant pandas through cooperation with entertainment and sports companies and will be a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world, the organizers said.

Man loots banks with avocado

A robber made off with almost $8,000 from two Israeli banks after holding them up armed with an avocado. The 47-year-old man first struck a bank in the southern city of Beersheba in mid-May when he handed a cashier a misspelled note demanding money. 

When the Postal Bank worker hesitated, the man pulled out what he said was a grenade and threatened to throw it if she refused. The woman emptied her cash drawer and the robber made off with $4,450, the Times of Israel reported. Five days later, the same man walked into a different branch of the same bank in the same city and repeated the stunt. 

This time he made off with $3,300. Police managed to use mobile phone data from a device the man was carrying to track him down. He was arrested, and it was discovered that the "grenade" he was holding was actually an avocado painted black.

Standing mutes taste buds

A new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research finds posture impacts taste perception, with food tasting better when you're sitting down. Researchers found that holding a standing posture for even a few minutes prompts physical stress, muting taste buds. The force of gravity pushes blood to the lower parts of the body, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood back up to the top of the body, accelerating heart rate. 

This activates the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and leads to increased concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol. This chain reaction reduces sensory sensitivity, which impacts food and beverage taste evaluation, food temperature perception and overall consumption volume. 

When people experience discomfort, foods that normally taste good do not appear as pleasant to the palate. Researchers confirmed their hypothesis by having 350 participants rate the tastiness of a pita chip. Those who were standing gave it a less favorable rating than those who were sitting in a padded chair.

Boeing reports zero orders

Boeing reported no new commercial aircraft orders in May. It was the second straight month that Boeing's orders were at a standstill in the face of the 737 Max crisis. The drop in orders isn't only because of the grounding of the 737 Max, CNN reported. Boeing also has a massive backorder of about 5,000 planes. Many of its customers do not need to place orders for additional jets right now. 
波音公司報(bào)告稱(chēng),5月份該公司的商用飛機(jī)訂單為零。這是737 Max停飛危機(jī)之下,波音訂單連續(xù)第二個(gè)月停滯不前。據(jù)美國(guó)有線電視新聞網(wǎng)報(bào)道,波音訂單量下降除去737 Max飛機(jī)停飛的原因,還受該公司之前約5000架飛機(jī)的大量積壓訂單的影響,這導(dǎo)致波音的許多客戶暫不需要目前訂購(gòu)額外的飛機(jī)。

Next week is also the Paris Air Show, the key industry trade show for the year, at which Boeing and rival Airbus typically like to announce orders. So May is often a slower month for new orders. Yet Boeing booked orders for 43 jets in May of 2018, ahead of that year's Paris Air Show. And 21 of those orders were for the 737 Max.
此外,年內(nèi)重要的行業(yè)貿(mào)易展巴黎航展下周即將舉行。由于波音和其競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手空客通常喜歡在航展上公布訂單,這也使5月成為新訂單增加較慢的月份。然而,去年5月,巴黎航展舉行前,波音公司斬獲43架飛機(jī)的訂單,其中21架訂購(gòu)的是737 Max。








