[詳解] 英語四級單詞磨耳朵(381-400)|每天打卡,跟我背單詞

2019-08-31 15:38:5035:44 2.7萬


381. final:/?fa?n?l/ adj.  [僅在名詞前] 最終的,最后的【The final episode will be shown tonight. 最后一集將于今晚播出。// They scored in the final minutes of the game. 他們在比賽的最后幾分鐘得分了?!浚籟僅在名詞前] (指結果)最終的,最后的【Does anyone know the final score? 有人知道最后的比分嗎?// I do not know what the final outcome will be. 我不知道最終結果會是什么。 】;決定性的;不可改變的;最終的【The judge's decision is final. 法官的判決是不可更改的。// We can advise the client, but in the end it is he who has the final say. 我們可以建議客戶,但最終是他說了算。// Is that your final answer?  那是你的最終回答嗎?// She's not coming with us, and that's final! 她不跟我們一起去,就這么定了!<that's final (表示決定不會更改)就這么定了>】;(用于強調)無比的;極度的【The vote of no confidence was the final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office.  這次不信任投票是對一個執(zhí)政政府的極大羞辱?!?;n. 決賽【He's through to the men's tennis final for the first time. 他第一次進入男子網(wǎng)球決賽。】;(大學或學院的)畢業(yè)考試;結業(yè)考試【I'm taking my finals in June. 我6月份要參加大學畢業(yè)考試?!?/p>

382. scenery:/?si?n?ri/ n. 風景;景色;風光【The best part of the trip was the fantastic scenery. 這次旅行最精彩的部分是那美麗的風景?!?;舞臺布景

383. interview:/??nt?rvju?/ n. 面試;面談【an interview for a job on the ‘Los Angeles Times’ 《洛杉磯時報》工作面試 // a portfolio of work presented at interview 在面試中展示的作品集】;記者采訪,訪談【an interview with the president 對總統(tǒng)的采訪 // Elton John gave an interview to Barbara Walters (=he answered her questions). 埃爾頓·約翰接受了芭芭拉·沃爾特斯的采訪(他回答了她的問題)。// an exclusive interview (=one that is given to only one newspaper, programme etc) 獨家采訪(只對一家報紙、節(jié)目等進行的采訪)】;(私下的)面談,會談;訊問【a police interview 警方訊問】;v. 采訪;對…進行面試;訊問【W(wǎng)e're interviewing six candidates for the job. 我們正在面試這項工作的六名應試者 // The police want to interview you about the accident. 警方想就這起事故對你進行訊問?!?/p>

384. moral:/?m?r?l/,/?m??r?l/ adj. [僅在名詞前] 道德的【I think you can run a business to the highest moral standards. 我認為你可以按照最高的道德標準經(jīng)營企業(yè)。// If we accept that certain babies should be allowed to die, we place doctors in a moral dilemma. 如果我們接受某些嬰兒應該被允許死亡,我們會讓醫(yī)生陷入道德困境。<dilemma /d??lem?]/ 困境;   (進退兩難的)窘境> // Man is gifted with a moral sense by which he distinguishes good from evil. 人天生有一種道德意識,通過這種道德意識可以區(qū)分善惡。】;[僅在名詞前] 道義上的;道德上的【moral responsibility 道義上的責任 // moral duty 道義上的義務 // Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. 政府至少在道義上有責任回應這些問題。//  The job was to call on all her diplomatic skills and moral courage (= the courage to do what you think is right) . 這項工作需要她發(fā)揮全部的外交才能和捍衛(wèi)正義的勇氣?!浚黄沸卸苏?;有道德的【He led a very moral life. 他這個人一向很正派。// a very moral person 品行非常端正的人】;能辨別是非的【Children are not naturally moral beings. 兒童并非天生就能分辨是非?!?;n. 道德;品行;道德規(guī)范 [復數(shù)]【public morals 公共道德 // private morals 個人道德】

385. phrase /fre?z/ n. 短語;詞組;成語;習語;慣用法;警句【W(wǎng)ho first used the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’? 誰首先使用了“適者生存”這個習語?】;v. (以某種方式)表達,措辭,推敲【a carefully phrased remark 措辭謹慎的話語 // I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently. 我贊同他說的,但我會以不同的方式表述?!?/p>

386. stability:/st??b?l?ti/ n. 穩(wěn)定;穩(wěn)固【a period of relative stability 相對穩(wěn)定的時期 // It could threaten the peace and stability of the region. 它可能威脅該地區(qū)的和平與穩(wěn)定?!?/p>

387. stable:/?ste?b?l/ adj. 穩(wěn)定的;穩(wěn)固的;牢固的【stable prices 穩(wěn)定的價格 // a stable relationship 穩(wěn)定的關系 // This ladder doesn't seem very stable. 這架梯子好像不太穩(wěn)。// He is said to be in a stable condition in hospital. 據(jù)說他在醫(yī)院里情況穩(wěn)定?!?;(人)穩(wěn)重的;沉穩(wěn)的;持重的【He was clearly not a very stable person. 他顯然不是個穩(wěn)重的人?!?;(物質) (化學狀態(tài)或原子狀態(tài))穩(wěn)定的【chemically stable 化學狀態(tài)穩(wěn)定的】;n. 馬廄;養(yǎng)馬場;馬房

388. limited:/?l?m?t?d/ adj. 有限的【There are only a limited number of tickets available. 剩下的票數(shù)量很有限。// My knowledge of the business is limited. 我對這項業(yè)務的了解有限。// The organization has very limited resources. 該組織的資源非常有限。// So far, the education reforms have had only limited success. 到目前為止,教育改革只取得了有限的成功。// Unfortunately, the drug is of limited value in treating cancer. 不幸的是,這種藥物在治療癌癥方面的價值有限?!浚幌薅ǖ?;定量的;定時的【Places on the bus are limited to 50 - so book early! 大客車定員50人——所以請盡早預訂!// The problem of stress is certainly not limited to people who work (= it exists for others too). 壓力當然并非只有工作的人才有。】

389. limit:/?l?m?t/ n. 極限;限量;限額【a 30 mph speed limit 30英里/小時的限速 // There's no age limit for applicants. 申請者沒有年齡限制。// My wife and I set a limit on how much we spend on clothes. 我和妻子對我們在衣服上的花費設定了限額。// Pesticide levels in drinking water are already above legal limits in many areas. 在許多地區(qū),飲用水中的農(nóng)藥含量已經(jīng)超過了法律限制?!浚幌薅?;限制【He'd reached the limit of his patience. 他已經(jīng)忍無可忍了。// There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear. 我們能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。// She knew the limits of her power. 她知道自己的權限。 】;(地區(qū)或地方的)境界,界限,范圍【He had not been outside the limits of the prison walls for 20 years. 20年來,他一直沒有走出監(jiān)獄圍墻。// The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site. 導彈發(fā)射場2英里范圍內不允許公眾進入?!浚籿. 限量;減量;限制;限定【a decision to limit imports of foreign cars 限制進口外國汽車的決定 // A lack of formal education will limit your job opportunities. 缺乏正規(guī)教育會限制你的工作機會。// I limit myself to two cups of coffee a day. 我限自己每天只喝兩杯咖啡?!?/p>

390. unite:/ju??na?t/ v. (為某事)聯(lián)合,聯(lián)手,團結;(與某人或集體)聯(lián)結,聯(lián)合;統(tǒng)一【Our goal is to unite the opposition parties and defeat the president. 我們的目標是團結反對黨,擊敗總統(tǒng)。// Party members united behind their leader. 黨員們團結在他們的領導人身邊。// In 1960, the regions united to form the Somali Republic. 1960年,兩個地區(qū)聯(lián)合組成了索馬里共和國。// A special bond unites our two countries.  一種特殊的紐帶把我們兩國聯(lián)結起來?!?/p>

391. interval:/??nt?rv?l/ n. (時間上的)間隔,間隙,間歇【The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months. 逮捕和審判之間的間隔可能長達六個月。// Tell them that I'll roll over on performance standards, five-year intervals. 告訴他們 績效標準可以商量 頻率定為五年一次。// We see each other at regular intervals - usually about once a month. 我們定期見面——通常大約是每月一次。// The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. 大地震之間的間隔時間可能有200年。】;(兩點之間的)區(qū)間【The plants should be spaced at six-inch intervals. 這些植物應該以六英尺的間隔栽種。】;(演出的)幕間休息;(體育比賽的)中間休息,中場休息【There will be two 20-minute intervals during the opera. 歌劇演出中有兩次20分鐘的幕間休息。// He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the interval. 下半場剛開始3分鐘,他就打入了他本場比賽的第一個進球?!?/p>

392. consist:/k?n?s?st/ v. consist in sth 包括;在于;存在于【The beauty of air travel consists in its speed and ease. 乘飛機旅行的好處在于快捷、舒適。// True education does not consist in simply being taught facts. 真正的教育并不在于簡單地講授事實?!?;consist of sth 由…組成;由…構成【The committee consists of ten members. 委員會由十人組成。// Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. 他們的日常飲食以蔬菜為主。// The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans. 該隊由四個歐洲人和兩個美國人組成?!?/p>

393. achievement:/??t?i?vm?nt/ n. 成就;成績;功績;達到;完成【His great achievement is to make all the players into a united team. 他最大的成就是使所有的球員都成為一支團結的球隊。// The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling, and maths. 該測試評估孩子們在閱讀、拼寫和數(shù)學方面的成績。// She said I seem obsessed with my own pain, my own achievements. Yeah, my ex-wife used to say the same about me. 她說我太過執(zhí)著于自己的痛苦 我自己的成就。嗯 我前妻也對我說過一樣的話。// As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of achievement. 當我們爬到最后幾米時,我們感到很有成就感?!?/p>

394. mechanic:/m??k?n?k/ n. 機械師;機械修理工;技工;mechanics 力學;機械學;the mechanics 例行方法,運作方式【He knows a lot about the mechanics of running a school. 關于如何管理一所學校,他所知甚多?!?/p>

395. mechanical:/m??k?n?kl/ adj. 機械的;機械部件的【The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure. 由于機械故障,航班取消了。// The plane had to make an emergency landing because of mechanical problems. 由于機械故障,飛機不得不緊急降落。】;機動的;機械驅動的;機械的【a mechanical digger 機械挖掘機 // a mechanical device 機械裝置】;(人的行為或行動) 機械般的;呆頭呆腦的;無思想的;習慣性的【He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. 同一個問題他被問了很多次,回答變得機械化了。// He gave a mechanical response. 他習慣性地作出反應?!?/p>

396. hillside:/?h?lsa?d/ n. (小山的)山坡,山腰

397. chamber:/?t?e?mb?r/ n.(人體、植物或機器內的)腔,室【The heart has four chambers. 心臟有四個腔體?!浚唬ㄓ糜谔囟ㄓ猛净蚬俜接猛镜模┓块g,室,廳;議院【the council chamber 會議廳】;臥室;寢室;私人房間【the Queen's private chambers 女王的私人房間】

398. psychological:/?sa?k??l?d??k?l/ adj. 心理的;心理學的;由焦慮(或悲傷)引起的;存在于心理上的【Sleep disorders are a serious psychological problem. 睡眠障礙是一個嚴重的心理問題。// Freud's psychological theories 弗洛伊德的心理學理論 // What was the patient's psychological state? 患者的心理狀態(tài)如何?// Max says he's ill, but I'm sure it's psychological. Max說他病了,但我肯定是心理原因。// No. My trouble is what one might call... psychological. It's my own personal problem, and I'll come out of it. 我的問題... 應該是... 心理層面的。這是我的個人問題, 我會走出陰影的?!?/p>

399. span:/sp?n/ n. 兩個日子或兩個事件之間的一段時間;間隔;期間;(注意力的)持續(xù)時間【Over a span of ten years, the company has made great progress. 在十年的時間里,公司取得了巨大的進步。// It'll be difficult to hire that many new staff in such a short time span.  在這么短的時間內招聘這么多新員工是很困難的。// Most two-year-olds have a very short attention span. 大多數(shù)兩歲的孩子注意力持續(xù)時間很短。// Captivity vastly reduces the life span of whales. 圈養(yǎng)大大縮短了鯨魚的壽命。<captivity /k?p?t?v?ti/ 圈養(yǎng);監(jiān)禁>】;長度;寬度;跨度【a bird with a large wing span 一只翼展很長的鳥】;v. 持續(xù);貫穿;橫跨;跨越【a career which spanned nearly 60 years 長達近60年的職業(yè)生涯 // The Mongol Empire spanned much of Central Asia. 蒙古帝國橫跨中亞大部分地區(qū)?!?/p>

400. tradition:/tr??d???n/ n. 傳統(tǒng),慣例;傳統(tǒng)的信仰(或風俗)【the traditions of South East Asia 東南亞的習俗 // the tradition that the eldest son inherits the property 長子繼承財產(chǎn)的傳統(tǒng) // By tradition, it's the bride's parents who pay for the wedding. 按照習俗,婚禮的費用由新娘的父母支付。// I can't turn my back on my family, on my traditions. Traditionsconnect us to the past. What about the future? 我不能背叛我的家人和傳統(tǒng)。傳統(tǒng)把我們與過去相連,那么未來呢?】








對哦,一定是超人。 或者翻譯成有4個空腔


final scienary interview moral praise stability stable limited limit unit interval consist achievement mechanic hillside chamber psychological span tradition









2021.6 大學英語四級真題詳解



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