My own private tea ceremony at work 品茗遇佳人

2016-09-27 12:39:4203:40 3.8萬

Ihave to see her every day at China Daily.

?Her smile ignites my optimism and banishes thegathering storm clouds of the, here I resort to Rumsfeld-esque prose, expectedunexpected events that will soon pre-occupy the newsroom.

Itry to talk in Chinese but stumble awkwardly over my words, my tones, no doubt,setting the wrong tone. ?

Sheis unerringly polite but pays no or little attention to me. She does not knowthat without her my day would not be complete. She must have this effect on somany people. ?

Sheis incredibly popular. There are times when others are talking to her that Iget impatient. I want her attention to myselfbefore the pressures of the day tear me apart from her.

Idon’t think she even knows my name. To her, I am just another face in thecrowd.

Iwalk to work every day, it takes about 40 minutes. I see the traffic jams, hearthe honking symphony of horns and thank all the Greek gods that I am not in acar.

Ipass others on their way to work, nodding, greeting them, wondering what typeof lives they lead, what part of China are they from? ?Do they also have someone special waiting forthem when they arrive at work? ???

Thegirl I have to see is from Heilongjiang province. Cold place, warm people.

Andas I walk past Ito Yokado and turn up Huixin Dongjie, my thoughts about herbecome more focused.

Willshe be there? Will she be talking to others? Will I have her fullattention??

BeforeI go any further I should come clean. The woman to whom I am devoted at thestart of the working day makes the perfect cup of tea.


Idid not come to China for the tea, others in history did, but not I. However, Ido enjoy, no, to mild a word, I relish the tea this lady makes, no to mild aword, conjures up and sip it with the respect it deserves after my walk.

Thewater temperature is just right, the cup is the correct size, and she always servesit with a smile. It is the perfect start to the day.

Theladies who work at the tea counter in the lobby are the unsung heroes of ChinaDaily. It is a tough role to fulfill. But they do it with a grace and aplombthat deserves credit from anyone who has ever got a refreshing beverage fromthem. ?

Itis like having my own private tea ceremony every morning. Smile as I approach. Amuch brighter smile returned. ?

Sheturns her back, gets the cup, puts the tea bag into it, opens the flask, pours.Then she picks up the cup and gives it to me with another smile that would not be outof place in an advertisement for dental care.?

Teain China from a Chinese lady. The Greek gods are smiling on me.










英語的從句從句從句(n重從句)好難理解呀 這篇還不算多的!


She must know who are you, and you must have got her full attention already! Believe me~


Maybe you are right~

My Own Life



My Own Words



Homesick My Own Story - AR5.1






My Hands

