
2019-12-17 16:18:3610:13 121



No.2 Speech--Susan

No.3  Daddy-JN008 Keiko


If I could write a story,

It would be the greatest ever told.

I'd write about my daddy,

For he had a heart of gold.

My dad, he was no hero


Known around this world.

He was everything to me,

For I was his baby girl.

I'd write about the lessons.

He taught me right from wrong.

He instilled in me the values

That one day I'd be strong.


He taught me to face my fears,

Take each day as it comes,

For there are things that we can't change.

He would say what's done is done.


He would say hold your head up high,

Carry yourself with pride.

Thanks to him, I am somebody,

I will never run and hide.


If I could write a story,

It would be the greatest ever told.

I'd write about my daddy,

For he had a heart of gold.

No.4  獅子覓食話劇-JN011 Mica

Lucy A + Anna B

A: Recently, I have been asking my mother for permission for me to have a pet. But no matter how many times that I asked her, she always said no.

Anna B: Why? Because she is worried that the pet you want may scratch the expensive sofa of yours? What kind of pets do you want, anyways?

A: I asked her for a lion.

Anna B: What! A lion. I would also say no if I were your mother.

A: Oh, well. If I cannot have a lion as my pet, we might as well enjoy the show of a lion.

Anna B: Enjoy, everyone.


No.5  Pulling the carrots-JN022 Jessica

Bobo A+ Ken B

A: Have you heard of the story of “Pulling the radish?”

B: Yes, I have. And there is a moral behind the story.

A: Really? I thought it is just a funny little bedtime story.

B: That is not it. It is also talking about the importance of teamwork. Something you can achieve more when you try hard doing something with a group of people.

A: Wow. That is exciting. Let’s also listen to the song of “Pulling the carrots” and see what we learn from it.

B: Enjoy everyone.

No.6  Old McDonald’s-NG001 Ann

Owen A+Gylfie B

A: Do you want to have a farm when you grow up?

B: No, I don’t. I am a city boy/ girl. I don’t think I can grow anything. I can’t even grow cactus on my desk.

A: I am different. I want to grow up to be a little Mr. McDonald.

B: When that time comes. Can I have chicken nuggets for free?

A: Let us first enjoy the show of “Old McDonald.”

No.7  Glenn視頻+抽三等獎

No.8  We are a happy family-JN015 Keiko

Anna A + Gylfie B

A: Do you like having a small or big family?

B: For me, I love to have a big family. Because when Chinese New Year comes, I will be filthy rich.

A: That is true. As for me, I will love to be in a small family. I enjoy to spend time with my parents, and enjoy them putting all their focus on me.

B: Let’s enjoy the show “We are happy family” and recall the happy moments we spend with our family.

No.9  走秀+自我介紹+發(fā)音歌-JN020&021 Jessica

Lucy A+ Ken B

A: Have you ever dreamed of being a model?

B: Yes, of course. The glamor and all the attention. I love to be in the center of the spotlight.

A: Today, we are going to see young models walking proudly down the runway presenting their sense of fashion.

B: Let’s put our hands together and give them the biggest applause. Enjoy everyone.

No.10  守株待兔- JN003 Mica

Bobo A + Owen B

A: Hey. Talk softly okay. I am expecting someone.

B: Who are you expecting?

A: Sh… I am waiting for a rabbit to hit that tree. So that I would have a free rabbit for dinner.

B: Do you know that there is no free lunch in the world? You should learn that.

A: Let’s see and enjoy the show of what happens to the farmer and whether he gets a free dinner.

No.11 自我介紹字母律動-NG003 Ann

No.12 Glenn視頻+抽二等獎

No.13  The tiger and the fox-JN017 Jessica

Ken A+Anna B

A; Have you ever failed anything in life?

B: Yes, I have. And whenever I fail something, I feel awfully sad. I think the world is crumbling.

A: Never feel that way about yourself. Failures are needed in life because we often learn things from them.

B: I guess there is wisdom in different things that happen in our life.

A: Let’s sit back and enjoy our next show, everyone.

No.14 走方陣+自由對話+江南style舞蹈-JN005&010 Mica

No.15  New Snow White-NG022 Ann

Gylfie A + Lucy B

A: Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the smartest person of all?

B: I guess it is you?

A: Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful person of all?

B: I need to say「you」right so I can keep my job.

A: Well, who is this person?

B: It is you, master. And also, let’s enjoy the show of new Snow White to make my master happy.

No.16  Three times beating monster-JN007 Keiko

Bobo A + Owen B

A: Long time ago, there was a group of people who wanted to get real knowledge in life.

B: Along the way, they have encountered many people. Some people are there to help them. Some are there to take their energy away.

A: Let’s learn whether they are able to overcome the difficulty they meet this time.

No.17  The hare and the tortoise-JN009 Jessica

Lucy A + Anna B

A: Have you ever heard of the story of hare and the tortoise?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Which one would you want to be if you could choose?

B: I would definitely be the tortoise because it is the tortoise that won in the end.

A: Well, as for me. I would want to be the hare.

B: Why?

A: Because I get to sleep in the story.

B: Everyone, let’s enjoy the story of the competition between the hare and the tortoise.

No.18 Glenn視頻+抽一等獎

No.19  Spring, Bees, Moon-NG 020 Ann


It's Christmas time,

And I wish you well.

May the Lord bless you

With the best of health.


I hope the stockings are hung

And you're filled with wonder.

There are so many surprises

For you to ponder.


May your children be merry

When Santa brings toys.

Some for the girls

And some for the boys.


I pray you have food

And plenty to eat:

Turkey and gravy

And lots of sweets.


I hope your family's there,

Friends and neighbors, too.

So merry Christmas

From all of us to all of you.

No.20  英文朗誦+Tomorrow will be better-JN013 Mica


Brush away old heartaches.

Learn from our mistakes.

Another year is finally over.

A new dawn awakes.


Let the old year out.

Welcome the new one in.

Bury the bad things of the past

As a new year now begins.


Make your New Year wishes

As simple as you can.

Pray for peace and love,

Not for wealth or fame.


Pray for health and happiness.

Pray for your fellow man.

Pray for all the ones you love.

Pray for those who've lost their way.


As the midnight hour chimes,

We leave the old and embrace the new.

I wish the things you wish for yourself,

And may God’s love stay with you.


Thank you everybody for enjoying our show    

No.21 圣誕老人派禮物

No.22 結束語

















圣誕英文兒歌 Jingle Bells










