10.3 Exam spotlight

2020-03-22 22:39:5211:12 3.3萬




10.3 Exam spotlight Part 3, questions 1 to 8, you will hear an interview on a radio program with DDMagi about becoming a manager. For each question 1 to 8, mark one letter A B or C for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice. Ok, in the final part of today's program, we continue our series on career progression, and this week we're taking a special look at


the move from regular member of staff working alongside everyone else to becoming a manager. In the studio today, we've invite DDMagi, a free long age consultant to talk to us. DD, thanks for coming in today. What's the problem here, presumably most people jump the opportunity to move into management, don't they. Well no, actually people often feel they should take a management position but they don't really ask themselves, if it's really what they want. How do you mean.


Well, deciding whether you want to continue working on the front line or whether you'd rather take on a management position sounds like a straightfoward logical step. But in fact it means changing how you work, how you think and the way you judge you own success. For example, do you want to be part of the team which solves big technical challenges, or do you suddenly want to be the person who is in charge of encouraging others to come up with those solutions. You might find you miss being with your old colleagues, and that's another


problem, new managers have to be able to tell people who will once their workmates or equals what to do. Yes. That must be a big problem. Well, it can work as long as you except that your relationship with you old colleagues can never be the same. The dynamics of the relationship have to change. For example, you won't have that chance to go for a drink after work and have a quite mood about the company anymore. When you becoming a manager, you're saying I agree with the values and direction of the

PET Exam Booster 2020

