凱特·溫斯萊特 | 疫情防控 從手做起

2020-04-18 06:03:5903:40 1.6萬(wàn)

In the movie Contagion, I played an epidemiologist trying to stop the spread of a hypothetical virus. To prepare for the role, I spent time with some of the best public health professionals in the world.


And what was one of the most important things they taught me? Wash your hands like your life depends on it. Because right now, in particular, it just might.


Or the life of someone you love, or even the life of someone you might not know, but is still deserving of your consideration. Like the people on the front lines of this fight right now. The doctors and the health care providers. The people that are still working in the grocery stores or delivering food to your homes which is where you should be right now.


So if you're feeling overwhelmed, a little bit powerless at the moment, here's something we can all do to make a difference. And it doesn't require a medical degree, or a microscope, or a ton of knowledge.


Soap and water are all you need. Just to get the temperature right. The water doesn't need to be that hot, and most any soap will do. The way soap works is that one end of the soap molecule binds with the water...and the other end binds to the grease on your hands. 


The virus is washed away with that grease when the soap molecule attaches to it. Yep! Yep! A scientist taught me that. Why else would I know it? They also taught me to wash my hands for 20 seconds which is roughly how long this segment has taken. 3, 2, 1.


Remember that there is only one way to get COVID-19, if you come in direct contact with a droplet from the cough or a sneeze of an infected person. And that droplet finds its way into your eyes, nose, or mouth. Gross, but true.


That's why people need to cover their mouths like this. Because COVID-19 can also live on surfaces or as scientists call them:fomites. Because the lovely scientists like to help the special words for everything.


Fomites include:everything for cardboard boxes, you might receive your Vitamins supply, your pet food, your baby milk formulas, stainless steel forks, carpeting and bedding and clothes. Depending on the surface, COVID-19 can live there from a few hours to a few days. So wipe down surfaces that are frequently used with a disinfectant and here are the rules for that:1. spray; 2. wait four minutes; 3. wipe

污染物包括:所有的硬紙板盒子,可能是你的維生素盒子,寵物食品,或嬰兒奶粉的包裝盒,不銹鋼刀叉,地毯或者睡衣。新冠病毒在各種物體表面存活的時(shí)間,從幾小時(shí)到幾天不等。所以,記得給常用物體的表面消毒。消毒時(shí)這樣做:1. 噴灑消毒液;2. 等四分鐘;3. 最后擦掉

Yes. It takes four minutes for a disinfectant to do its job. And avoid touching your face. It’s not easy. But it's an important one. Because if you touch a surface with your hands and then you touch your face. You can get infected. So to put it bluntly, the health of our society is quite literally in your hands.


I know this is hard. And this is new. And it's scary. But you really can defend yourself and the people you love with a bar or soap, a sink, some water. And by listening to the public health experts where you live, we all want a cure. But until we have one, we need to be that for each other. Starting Now!


Scientists also tell us you can get coronaviruses from vital fluids like blood, fecal matter, etc. Rare, but possible. Stay Safe.







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