第一單元 會(huì)議致辭 漢英詞語(yǔ)

2020-06-27 23:17:3915:19 1074
1. 21 世紀(jì)海上絲綢之路the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
2. 把握機(jī)遇,精誠(chéng)合作seize opportunities and cooperate in good faith
3. 包容、樂(lè)觀、向上inclusive,optimistic and courageous
4. 包容并蓄的美德 a virtue that enables people to accommodate each other
5. 畢業(yè)典禮graduation ceremony/commencement
6. 表示誠(chéng)摯的感謝extend heartfelt thanks
7. 表示真誠(chéng)的歡迎extend sincere welcome
8.表示祝賀express warm congratulations
9.不斷將友好合作提高到新的水平 bring friendly cooperation to a new high
10. 暢所欲言be fully engaged in forum discussions
11. 誠(chéng)摯的問(wèn)候 sincere greetings
12吃苦耐勞long suffering and hard working
13.充滿生機(jī)活力full of vitality
14.崇高使命a lofty mission
15. 傳達(dá)祝愿convey the best wishes to
16.傳統(tǒng)美德,世代相傳 traditicnal virtues taught from generation to generation
17.答謝宴會(huì)return banquet
18大有可為have a bright future
19. 代表······on behalf of...
20.道義感召力moral appeal
21.奠基典禮foundation laying ceremony
22.讀萬(wàn)卷書(shū),行萬(wàn)里路travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books
23. 對(duì)歷史的傳承a mission that builds on history.
24.對(duì)未來(lái)的期許looks to the future
25.高度評(píng)價(jià)express high appreciation
26.古代中國(guó)的風(fēng)采神韻ancient glory of China
27. 古老而神奇的土地an ancient and fascinating land
28.海納百川being inclusive
29.海洋文化an oceanic culture
30.和而不同harmony without uniformity
31. 和睦相處、和諧發(fā)展,共謀和平、共 護(hù)和平、共享和平live in peace and harmony with the
people of other countries,and work with them to promote,defend and share peace together
32. 和平、穩(wěn)定的外部環(huán)境 a peaceful and stable external environment
33. 和諧、正義、公平harmony,justice,and fairness
34.化裝舞會(huì)costume party
35.歡送儀式farewell ceremony
36.歡迎/開(kāi)幕/閉幕詞welcome/opening/closing speech/address
an accepted code of conduct
39.即席講話impromptu speech
40.繼往開(kāi)來(lái),攜手前進(jìn)join hands to build on past achievements
41. 雞尾酒會(huì) cocktail party
42. 講信修睦、崇尚和history,culture and traditions which
平的歷史文化傳統(tǒng)value credibility,harmony and peace
43.交流的平臺(tái)platform for communication
44.交流互鑒exchanges and mutual learning
45. 交流文化、增進(jìn)友誼、擴(kuò)大交往的重要渠道 an important bridge of cultural exchange, friendship and further exchanges
46. 交相輝映add radiance and charm to each other
47. 揭幕式unveiling ceremony take this opportunity;avail oneself of
48.借此機(jī)會(huì)this great opportunity
49.緊張有序的工作intensive and efficient
50. 經(jīng)濟(jì)界人士business representatives
51.精心安排和熱情款待thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality
52. 精心準(zhǔn)備meticulous preparations
53.久仰大名long heard of
54.就······問(wèn)題在大會(huì)上發(fā)言 address the meeting/conference on the topic of...
55.具有世界影響的歷史事件 an event of historic and global significance
56.聚焦亞洲、放眼世界的一個(gè)重要平臺(tái) an important platform with an Asian focus and a global vision
57.開(kāi)放兼容openness and inclusiveness
58.開(kāi)國(guó)大典founding ceremony of a state
59.開(kāi)學(xué)典禮school's opening ceremony
60.抗震救災(zāi)relief efforts in the wake of the earthquake
61.快馬加鞭、馬到功成 advance at fast speed and achieve resounding success
62.冷餐招待會(huì)buffet reception
63. 禮炮gun salute
64. 禮儀小姐ritual girl/guiding girl
65. 理性勇敢的性格good sense of reasoning
66.歷史文博大精深profound history and extensive culture
67. 歷史遺留問(wèn)題issues left from the past
68. 立足現(xiàn)實(shí)keep feet firmly on the ground
69. 良好的新年祝愿best new year wishes
70.留下許多膾炙人口的傳說(shuō) leave behind a trail of widely told stories make great strides forward in its national
71.龍馬精神、萬(wàn)馬奔騰 development just like ten thousand horses galloping ahead with.full vitality
72.民族血脈the DNA of the nation
73. 蓬勃發(fā)展的景象the thriving development
74. 平等互利mutual benefit on an equal footing
75. 平等相待,真誠(chéng)合作,并肩前行 work shoulder-to-shoulder with...as equals and carry out sincere cooperation
76. 簽約儀式signing ceremony
77.橋梁和紐帶a bridge and bond of...
78.勤儉持家diligence and frugality in household management
79.請(qǐng)大家與我一道,“以掌聲對(duì)······表示衷心感謝。 May I now invite you to express,with a round of applause, our sincere thanks to....
81. 全力支持give one's full support to...
82. 全面推進(jìn)戰(zhàn)略協(xié)合作伙伴關(guān)系 advance strategic partnership of coordination in an all-round manner
83. 熱情好客gracious hospitality
84.人們?cè)鲩L(zhǎng)知識(shí)、豐富閱歷、強(qiáng)健體魄的美好追求 happy wish of the people for more knowledge,varied experience and good health
85.人與自然和諧相處的大道 key to harmony between man and nature
86. 日新月異change with every passing day
87. 設(shè)宴接風(fēng)洗塵host a lunch/dinner for a visitor from afar
88. 深感榮幸be honored and privileged
89. 深化合作boost cooperation
90.深入溝通、相向而行 have thorough communication and work in the same direction
91. 盛情邀請(qǐng) gracious invitation
92. 世界經(jīng)濟(jì)論壇非洲峰會(huì) the World Economic Forum in Africa
93.世界文化遺產(chǎn)地World Cultural Heritages sites
94..世界文明的重要發(fā)源地an important cradle of world civilization
95.水美魚(yú)豐enchanting water and abundant fish
96.絲綢之路經(jīng)濟(jì)帶Silk Road Economic Belt
97.提議祝酒propose a toast
98.天然的親近感a natural feeling of affinity
99.同舟共濟(jì),共克時(shí)艱 forge close unity in overcoming the difficult period
100.團(tuán)結(jié)、協(xié)作的精神a spirit of unity and coordination
101. 晚宴evening reception/banquet
102. 為展覽會(huì)揭幕inaugurate an exhibition
103. 溫飽meet the basic needs for food,clothing and shelter
104.物華天寶naturally endowed abundance
105. 稀客a surprise visitor
106. 喜宴wedding reception
107. 先哲ancient philosophers
108.現(xiàn)代中國(guó)的蓬勃英姿 modern boom of China
109.相互尊重uphold mutual respect
110. 相聚一堂,共商······發(fā)展大計(jì) get together to discuss the development of...
111.小康a well-off standard of living
112.心靈相通commonalities in thinking
113.欣欣向榮thriving and dynamic
114.新局面、新水平fresh progress,higher level
115.新開(kāi)端a new beginning
116.宣布閉幕declare the closing/conclusion of
117.宣布開(kāi)幕declare open;declare the commencement of
118.一片生機(jī)蓬勃充滿希望的熱土 a vibrant and promising land
119.異曲同工be in accord with
120. 意義深遠(yuǎn)far-reaching impact
121. 應(yīng)盡的責(zé)任和義務(wù)due responsibilities and obligations
122. 由衷的高興heartfelt joy
123. 友好交往的歷史見(jiàn)證 a witness to the friendly exchanges
124. 有利條件和巨大潛力favorable conditions and huge potential
125.有原則、重情誼講道義、謀公正 observe principles and morality,value friendship and seek justice
126.與······站在一起stand shoulder to shoulder with...
127. 圓滿成功a complete success
128.再創(chuàng)新輝煌add new splendor to its achievements
129.再上新臺(tái)階attain new heights
130. 在······的陪同下in the company of/accompanied by...
131.在新的形勢(shì)下under the new circumstances
132.展望未來(lái)look ahead;look into the future
133.戰(zhàn)略機(jī)遇期an important strategic period
134. 珍貴遺產(chǎn)和寶貴財(cái)富invaluable legacy and asset
135. 正式邀請(qǐng)official invitation
136. 至此·····之際on the occasion of...
137.中國(guó)文化傳統(tǒng)的精華 the essential cultural traditions of China
138.中華民族偉大復(fù)興的中國(guó)夢(mèng) the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation
139. 終生成就lifetime achievement
140.重申我方觀點(diǎn)reiterate our opinion/standing
an realization of peace and security and restoration of a life of happiness and tranquility
142. 周到安排thoughtful arrangements
143. 周年慶典an anniversary celebration
144. 主賓guest of honor
145.著眼長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)set our eyes to the long-term future
146.自然風(fēng)光旖旎秀美the picturesque natural scenery.
147. 最后in closing
148. 尊師重教respect teachers and value education
149.作為貴國(guó)人民的友好使者 as an envoy of friendship of your people





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