
2020-07-27 18:17:2623:27 27.6萬(wàn)







Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1.A)He set a record be swimming to and from an island.

B)He celebrated ninth birthday on a small island.

C)He visited a prison located on a faraway island.

D)He swam around an island near San Francisco.

2.A)He doubled the reward.

B)He cheered him on all the way.

C)He set him an example.

D)He had the event covered on TV.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3.A)To end the one-child policy.

B)To encourage late marriage.

C)To increase working efficiency.

D)To give people more time to travel.

4.A)They will not be welcomed by young people.

B)They will help to popularize early marriage.

C)They will boost China’s economic growth.

D)They will not com into immediate effect.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5.A)Cleaning service in great demand all over the world.

B)Two ladies giving up well-paid jobs to do cleaning.

C)A new company to clean up the mess after parties.

D)Cleaners gainfully employed at nights and weekends.

6.A)It takes a lot of time to prepare.

B)It leaves the house in a mess.

C)It makes party goers exhausted.

D)It creates noise and misconduct.

7.A)Hire an Australian lawyer.

B)Visit the U.S. and Canada.

C)Settle a legal dispute.

D)Expand their business.

Section B

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8.A)He had a driving lesson.

B)He got his driver’s license.

C)He took the driver’s theory exam.

D)He passed the driver’s road test.

9.A)He was not well prepared.

B)He did not get to the exam in time.

C)He was not used to the test format.

D)He did not follow the test procedure.

10.A)They are tough.

B)They are costly.

C)They are helpful.

D)They are too short.

11.A)Pass his road test the first time.

B)Test-drive a few times on highways.

C)Find an experienced driving instructor.

D)Earn enough money for driving lessons.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12.A)Where the woman studies.

B)The acceptance rate at Leeds.

C)Leeds’ tuition for international students.

D)How to apply for studies at a university.

13.A)Apply to an American university.

B)Do research on higher education.

C)Perform in a famous musical.

D)Pursue postgraduate studies.

14.A)His favorable recommendations.

B)His outstanding musical talent.

C)His academic excellence.

D)His unique experience.

15. A) Do a master’s degree.

B) Settle down in England.

C) Travel widely.

D) Teach overseas.

Section C

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) They help farmers keep diseases in check.

B) Many species remain unknown to scientists.

C) Only a few species cause trouble to humans.

D) They live in incredibly well-organized colonies.

17. A) They are larger than many other species.

B) They can cause damage to people’s homes.

C) They can survive a long time without water.

D) They like to form colonies in electrical units.

18. A) Deny them access to any food.

B) Keep doors and windows shut.

C) Destroy their colonies close by.

D) Refrain from eating sugary food.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) The function of the human immune system.

B) The cause of various auto-immune diseases.

C) The viruses that may infect the human immune system.

D) The change in people’s immune system as they get older.

20. A) Report their illnesses.

B) Offer blood samples.

C) Act as research assistants.

D) Help to interview patients.

21. A) Strengthening people’s immunity to infection.

B) Better understanding patients’ immune system.

C) Helping improve old people’s health conditions.

D) Further reducing old patients’ medical expenses.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) His students had trouble getting on with each other.

B) A lot of kids stayed at school to do their homework.

C) His students were struggling to follow his lessons.

D) A group of kids were playing chess after school.

23. A) Visit a chess team in Nashville.

B) Join the school’s chess team.

C) Participate in a national chess competition.

D) Receive training for a chess competition.

24. A) Most of them come from low-income families.

B) Many have become national chess champions.

C) A couple of them have got involved in crimes.

D) Many became chess coaches after graduation.

25. A) Actions speak louder than words.

B) Think twice before taking action.

C) Translate their words into action.

D) Take action before it gets too late.


Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

Section A 

News report one

A 9-year-old Central California boy braved strong currents and cold water to 

swim from San Francisco to Alcatraz Island and back. A California television station Enfresno, reported Tuesday that Jim Savage, set a record as the youngest swimmer to make the journey to the former prison. The TV station reported that by completing the swim, the fourth-grade student from Los Banios broke

 a record previously held by a 10-year-old boy. Jim said that waves in the

 San Francisco Bay hitting him in the face 30 minutes into this swim, made him want to give up. His father said, he had offered his son 100 dollars as a reward. To encourage his struggling son, he doubled it to 200 dollars. James pushed forward, making it to Alktrask Island and back in a little more than 2 hours. Alktrask is over a mile from the mainland.

1. What did the boy from Central California do according to the report?

2. What did the father do to encourage his son?


News report two

On the first January, new regulations were coming to a fact which eliminated an annual leave bonus for people who put off marriage until the age of 23 for women and 25 for men, the South China morning post reports. The holiday bonus was to design to encourage young people to delay getting married, in lines with China's one-child policy, but with the policy now been abolished,

this holiday incentive is no longer necessary. 

The government says. In shanghai, the young couple at the marriage registration office told the paper that they decided to register their marriage as soon as possible to take advantage of the existing policy. Because an extra holiday was a big deal for them. In Beijing, one registration office had about 300 couples seeking to get married the day after the changes were announced. Rather than the usual number of between 70 and 80, but one lawyer tells the paper the changes still have to be adopted by local governments and these procedures take time, so people who are rushing to register for marriage can relax.

3: What was the purpose of the annual leave bonus in China?

4: What do we learn about the new regulations?

News  report 3

Everyone loves a good house party, but the cleaning up the next morning isn't as enjoyable. Now, however, a New Zealand based startup company aims to bring messy homes and even splitting headaches back to normal. The properly named startup Morning After Maids was launched about 1 month ago in Auckland by room-maids Rebecca Folly and Catherine Ashers. Aside from cleaning up, the two will also cook breakfast and even get coffee and painkillers for recovering merrymakers. Although they are both gainfully employed, they did cleaning jobs into their nights and weekends which is when their service is in most demand anyway. Besides being flatted with request from across the country, Folly and Ashers have also received request from the U. S. and Canada to provide the services there, they are reportedly meeting with lawyers to see how best to take the business forward

5: What is the news report mainly about?

6: What is a common problem with a house party?

7: What are Rebecca Foley and Catherine Ashurst planning to do?

Section B 

Conversation 1

Carl, how did your driver's theory exam go? It was yesterday, right?

Yes, I prepared as much as I could. But I was so nervous since it was my second trial. The people who worked at the test center were very kind though.

We had a little conversation which calmed me down a bit, and that was just what I needed.

Then, after the exam, they printed out my result. But I was afraid to open it until I was outside. It was such a relief to pass.

Congratulations! I knew you could do it. I guess you underestimated how difficult it would be the first time, didn't you?

I hear a lot of people make that mistake and go in underprepared. But good job in passing the second time. I'm so proud of you.

Now, all you have to do next is your road test. Have you had any lessons yet?

Yes, thanks. I'm so happy to be actually on the road now.

I've only had two driving lessons so far, and my instructor is very understanding.

So, I'm really enjoying it and I can't wait for my next session. Although the lessons are rather expensive.

20 pounds an hour, and the instructor says I'll need above 30—40 lessons in total, that's what? 6—8 hundred pounds.

So, this time, I'll need to make a lot more effort, and hopefully, it'll be successful the first time.

Well, good luck.

8. What did the man do yesterday?

9. Why did he fail the exam the first time?

10. What does the man say about his driving lessons?

11. What does the man hope to do next?

Conversation 2

Emma, I've got accepted to the University of Leeds. Since you're going to university in England, do you know how much it is for international students to study there?

Congratulations. Yes, I believe for international students, you'll have to pay around 13,000 pounds a year, it's just a bit more than the local students.

OK, so that's about 17,000 dollars for the tuition and fees. Anyway, I'm only going to be there for a year, doing my masters. So it's pretty good.

If I stayed in the U.S., it'd take 2 years, and cost at least 50,000 dollars in tuition alone.

Also, I have a good chance of winning a scholarship at Leeds, which would be pretty awesome, the benefit of being a music genius.

Yeah, I heard you are a talented piano player. So you are doing a post-graduate degree now? I'm still in my last year, graduating next June.

Finally, I'll be done with my studies, and could go on to earning loads of money.

Are you still planning on being a teacher? No money at that job then.

You'd be surprised, I'm still going to be a teacher.

But the plan is to work at an international school overseas after I get a year or so experience in England.

It's better paid, and I get to travel, which reminds me I'm late for my class, and I've got some documents I need to print out first. I've better run.

12. What does the man want to know?

13. What is the man going to do?

14. What might qualify the man for a scholarship at Leeds University?

15. What is the woman planning to do after graduation?

Section C 

Passage 1

Scientists have identified thousands of known ants species around the world. And only a few of them bug humans. Most ants live in the woods, or out in nature. There, they keep other creatures in checkdistribute seeds, and clean dead and decaying materials from the ground. A very small percentage of ants do harm to humans. But those are incredibly challenging to control. They are small enough to easily slip inside your house. Live in colonies that number in the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands, and reproduce quickly. That makes them good at getting in, and hard to kick out. Once they settle in, these insects start affecting your home. In addition to barging ants, other species can cause different kinds of damage. Some, like carpenter ants, can undermine a home structure, while others interfere with the electrical units. Unfortunately, our homes are very attractive to ants, because it provides everything the colony needs to survive, such as food, water, and shelter.So, how can we prevent ants from getting into our homes? Most important of all, avoid giving ants any access to food, particularly sugary food because ants have a sweet tooth. We also need to clean up spills as soon as they occur and store food in air-tight containers.

Even garbage attracts ants, so empty your trash as often as possible. And store your outside garbage in a lidded can, while away from doors and windows.16. What does the passage say about ants?

17. What do we learn from the passage about carpenter ants?

18. What can we do to prevent ants from getting into our homes?

Passage 2

My research focus is on what happens to our immune system as we age. So the job of the immune system is to fight infections. It also protects us from viruses and from autoimmune diseases. We know that as we get older, it's easier for us to get infections. So older adults have more chances of falling ill. This is evidence that our immune system really doesn't function so well when we age. In most of our work, when we were looking at older adults who've got an illness, we always have to have health controls. So we work very closely with a great group of volunteers called the One Thousand Elders, these volunteers are all 65 or over but in good health. They come to the university to provide us with blood samples to be interviewed and to help us to carry out a whole range of research. The real impact of our research is going to be on health in old age. At the moment, we are living much longer. Life expectancy is increasing at 2 years for every decade, that means an extra 5 hours a day. I want to make sure that older adults are still able to enjoy their old age, and that they are not spending time in hospital with infections, feeling unwell and being generally weak. We want people to be healthy even when they are old.

19. What is the focus of the speaker’s research?

20. What are the volunteers asked to do in the research?

21. What does the speaker say will be the impact of his research?

Passage 3

When Ted Komada started teaching 14 years ago at Kilip Elementary, 

he didn't know how to manage a classroom and was struggling to connect 

with students, he noticed a couple of days after school that a group of kid would 

get together to play chess. "I know how to play chess, 

let me go and show these kids how to do it," he said. Now, Komada coaches the school's chess team. The whole program started as a safe place for kids to come after school. And this week, dozens of those students are getting ready to head out to Nashville Tennessee to compete with about 5000 other young people at the Super Nationals of Chess. The competition only happens every four years, and the last time the team went, they won the third place in the nation. Komada says Chess gives him and his students control. The school has the highest number of kids from low-income families. 

Police frequent the area day and night. As 2 months ago, a young man was shot just down the street. Komada likes to teach his students that they should think about their move before they do it. The lessons proved valuable outside the classroom as well. Many parents see these lessons translate into the real world. Students are more likely to think about their actions and see whether they will lead to trouble.

22 What did Ted Camarda notice one day after he started teaching at Killip elementary?

23 What are dozens of students from Camarda’s school going to do this week?

24 What do we learn about the students of Killip elementary?

25 What have the students learned from Camarda?


1. A
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. B



























