Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和魔豆 上

2021-09-19 21:05:3009:47 223
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Jack, who lived with his mother in a little cottage. They were very poor, and their only valuable possession was cow that was too old to produce any milk.

One day, Jack's mother decided that they had to sell the cow. She sent him to the market and told him to make sure he got a good price for it. On his way to the market, Jack was stopped by a mysterious old man.

I will give you this bean in exchange for your cow. Why would I give you a whole cow for one little bean? This isn't just any bean! It's a magic bean. It will grow into a beanstalk that touches the sky overnight!

That's impossible. Why should I believe you? If my words don't come true, you can have your cow back tomorrow.
Jack wasn't really convinced, but what did he have to lose? He traded his cow for the magic bean.

Tell me, how much did you get for the cow? Well. . . I traded it for this magic bean. What? You gave away our only cow for a useless little bean? How could you? Jack's mother was furious.

She tossed the magic bean out of the window and sent Jack to the attic without supper. When Jack woke up early the next morning and looked out of his window, he saw something that hadn't been there before — a very odd-looking tree.

Uh? Ah, what is that? Can that be my magic bean? Jumping out of his window, Jack landed on the magic tree and looked up. The old man told me the truth!
It really is touching the sky! Oh~ I'm gonna check it out.

Curious to see where it led, Jack began to clamber up the beanstalk. After climbing all day, Jack finally reached the sky. There were fluffy clouds all around him, and in front of him was a magnificent castle.


Jack and the Beanstalk



杰克和魔豆 Jack and the Beanstalk



杰克和吉爾 Jack and Jill's

