The Three Little Pigs 三只小豬 下

2021-10-24 20:22:0209:26 385
There must be another way. . . Aha! Got it!You can't, can you? Why don't you try? Watch, you arrogant piglet! Watch me destroy you! The wolf huffed and puffed, but not a single brick would budge. How can this be? Why can't I destroy it? Hmph. . . . But no matter how hard he tried, the house stayed where it was. There must be another way. . . Aha! Got it!

Help me, little kind piggies. Please let me in before the big bad wolf gets me! Oh, help me, please, piglets. . . We can see your tail, wolf, we know it's you! Ha ha ha! That's it! I am coming to get you! Just you wait! The infuriated wolf clambered up to the chimney.

You have nowhere to run now! Oh, he's coming down the chimney! Oh, now we're lost for sure! We will be alright, I have a plan! The third pig grabbed a large cauldron filled with water and set it on the fire. Are you making soup at a time like this? Just wait and see.

At that moment, the wolf slid into the fireplace. . . (Ah, my tasty piglets, I have come for you! ) Oh, it burns! It burns! Help! Help! The wolf had fallen right into the pot of boiling water. He burned himself, shot out of the pot and ran away. Look, look! His tail is still smoking! Ha ha ha! We did it! - You did it, little brother, you have saved us all! Ha ha ha!

The clever and resourceful little pig protected his brothers from the wolf and taught them a valuable lesson. I am sorry I teased you before. I will learn from you and build a strong and steady house. I am sorry I underestimated you. I owe you my life. Thank you, brother! I'm really thankful.

Oh, it was nothing! Ha ha ha! Ah, you are the best, body! The two older pigs followed their brother's example and built strong, brick houses next to his. Oh. . . it remains, it still burns! I will never go near those horrible little pigs again! Maybe I will become a vegetarian from now on! Yes. That's an idea, ow. . . Our brick houses stand strong forever! La la la la. . .

We will live in love and harmony! We will never fear wolves again! The three little pigs worked together to become safe and prosperous and lived happily ever after.


The Three Goats



The Three Mothers



The Three Billy Goats



The Three Little Pigs



The Three Little Pigs




