Nuwa Fixes the Sky女媧補天

2021-12-02 11:47:1204:42 102
Welcome to ALO7’s Power to Learn. Today’s story is Part One of Nuwa Fixes the Sky, written by Melinda Lilly Thompson and narrated by Judy Luxton.
I was relaxing by the South China Sea, taking a well-deserved snooze. I was dreaming of my babies growing and laughing. In other words, I was dreaming of all of you. I made you after all, when I made people. You can call me Mama Nuwa, if you want. I heard my babies calling, “Mama Nuwa! Mama Nuwa!” I smiled and turned over in the sand without waking up. Unlike people, I have a long tail like a snake, so I’m very graceful. I have no feet to trip over!
I heard people calling me again and peeked open one eye. What on earth was going on? The heavens were sagging and there was a hole in the north sky! Wind and terrible things were falling out of the hole! What a mess! My people gathered around me to tell me what had happened. Apparently, I had slept through a war. (I’m a very sound sleeper.)
It all started with a very troublesome fellow, Zhuan Xu, the Emperor of the North. He was one of the Emperors of Heaven. But he wasn’t happy being just one of the emperors, he wanted to be the only emperor. He wanted everything in heaven to be his. Zhuan Xu sometimes acted like his brain was frozen, he made such bad decisions. But what he lacked in good decision-making, he made up for in muscles, size, and a bad attitude!
One day, he stopped the sun and fixed it to the sky in the north. He liked that! Now the sun would shine only on him. He grinned, and the sun shone on his shiny teeth, blinding some birds flying by. People in the north could no longer look at the sky. The sun’s brightness hurts their eyes. So they looked down all the time. Zhuan Xu stood taller and felt respected when he saw their downcast faces. He told himself he was the most important emperor in the heavens!
Soon, Zhuan Xu decided to also fix the stars and the moon to the north sky. The sky became very busy. Shooting stars bumped into each other.
The moon could barely be seen due to the brightness of the sun. The northern lands were too hot while everywhere else on Earth was dark and cold.
Then Zhuan Xu and his army of the north started attacking other lands.
One of the lands he attacked belonged to Gong Gong, the Southern Water God. Gong Gong was also big with bulging muscles, and just as little sense as Zhuan Xu. Gong Gong got fighting mad! He and his army of the south fought back fiercely. The two armies battled each other across China. Gong Gong pushed toward Zhuan Xu’s headquarters at Bu Zhou Mountain. Under the heat of the ever-present sun, moon, and stars, they slashed and hit, kicked and bit. Finally, Gong Gong and his soldiers began to weaken. The strength of Zhuan Xu and his army near their headquarters was too much. What could Gong Gong do?


Fixes It

