X-man Day1

2022-03-07 10:59:3902:55 118
-Little Erik: Mama! Mama! Mama!媽媽!媽媽!媽媽! -Little Charles: Mother, what are you... I thought you were a burglar.媽媽,你在做什么... 我還以為是竊賊進(jìn)來(lái)了。burglar /'b?ɡl?/ n. 竊賊 -Little Raven: I didn't mean to scare you, darling, I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed. What's the matter? Go on, back to bed. I'll make you a hot chocolate.我不是故意嚇你的,親愛(ài)的。我只是拿點(diǎn)吃的。去睡吧。怎么了?去睡覺(jué)啊。我給你做杯熱巧克力。snack /sn?k/ n. 小吃 -Little Charles: Who are you? And what have you done with my mother? My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life. And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate. Unless you count ordering the maid to do it.你到底是誰(shuí)?你把我媽媽怎么了?我媽媽這輩子都沒(méi)踏進(jìn)過(guò)廚房半步。她顯然也從未做過(guò)熱巧克力給我喝,除非她叫女仆做的也算。do with 處理set foot in 踏進(jìn)hot chocolate 熱巧克力count /ka?nt/ v. 把......算入order /'?rd?/ v. 命令maid /med/ n. 女仆 -Little Raven: You're not scared of me?你不怕我嗎? -Little Charles: I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world. The only person who is... different. And here you are, Charles Xavier.我一直堅(jiān)信我不可能是世上唯一的異類。唯一一個(gè)......與眾不同的人。果然,你出現(xiàn)了。我叫Charles Xavier。Charles /t?ɑrlz/ n. 查爾斯(人名)Xavier /?ɡ'zevir/ n. 澤維爾(人名) -Little Raven: Raven.我叫Raven。Raven /'rev?n/ n. 瑞文(人名) -Little Charles: You're hungry, and alone? Take whatever you want. We've got lots of food, you don't have to steal. In fact... you never have to steal again.你餓了,并且孤身一人。你想吃什么就隨便拿吧。我們有很多食物,你用不著偷。實(shí)際上,你以后再也不用偷了。 -Shaw: Understand this, Erik. These Nazi's, I'm not like them. Genes are the key, yes? But their goals? Blue eyes, blond hair, pathetic. Eat the chocolate. It's good. Want some?你要明白,Erik。我跟那些納粹不一樣。基因是關(guān)鍵,不是嗎?但他們能決定什么呢?金發(fā)碧眼,那就太可悲了。吃點(diǎn)巧克力吧,味道不錯(cuò)。想吃點(diǎn)嗎? -Erik: I want to see my Mama.我想見(jiàn)我媽媽。 -Shaw: Genes are the key that unlocks the door to a new age, Erik. A new future for mankind. Evolution. You know what I'm talking about? It's a simple thing I ask of you. A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate. Is it?基因是開(kāi)啟新時(shí)代大門的鑰匙,Erik。人類的新未來(lái),進(jìn)化。你明白我的意思嗎?我要你做的事很簡(jiǎn)單。移動(dòng)小小的硬幣和破壞大門相比簡(jiǎn)直微不足道,對(duì)嗎? -Erik: I tried, Herr Doctor... I can't... I don't... It's impossible.我盡力了,博士先生。我做不到...... 這是不可能的。 -Shaw: The one thing I can say for the Nazi's, is their methods seem to produce results. I'm sorry, Erik.對(duì)于納粹,有一件事我可以肯定就是,他們采用的方法都很有效。很抱歉,Erik。 -Erik: Mama!媽媽! -Erik's mother: My darling. How are you?親愛(ài)的,你還好嗎? -Shaw: Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to count to three... and you're going to move the coin. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. Understand? One...我來(lái)說(shuō)說(shuō)接下來(lái)會(huì)怎樣,我數(shù)到三,你來(lái)移動(dòng)這枚硬幣。如果你移動(dòng)不了,我就扣下扳機(jī),明白嗎?1......pull the trigger 開(kāi)槍 -Erik: Mama!媽媽! -Erik's mother: You can do it.你能做到的。 -Shaw: Two...2...... -Erik's mother: Everything is all right. Everything is all right. Everything is all right!沒(méi)事的,沒(méi)事的,沒(méi)事的! -Shaw: Three.3。 -Shaw: Yes, wonderful! Excellent!太好了!好極了! -Erik: Ahh! Ahh!啊!啊?。。。。?! -Shaw: Outstanding, Erik! So we unlock your gift with anger. Anger and pain. You and me, we're going to have a lot of fun together.太厲害了,Erik。憤怒開(kāi)啟了你的天賦。憤怒和痛苦。你和我,我們可以一起共創(chuàng)大業(yè)。


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