凡妮莎·科比 | 卡地亞獵豹精神與女性魅力

2023-11-03 06:00:0001:21 1756

In which way is the Cartier first panther woman - Jeanne Toussaint - an inspiration to you?卡地亞第一位“獵豹女士”貞·杜桑在哪些方面給了你啟發(fā)?
I’ve always found Jeanne Toussaint incredibly inspiring. She was... a revolutionary, I feel, and she was the woman that decided to make the figurative panther, the embodiment of the panther, in the spirit, but she decided to have the panther in the actual jewellery, and you can see now with this, to have the actual panther head.我一直覺得貞·杜桑女士非常地鼓舞人心。在我看來,她是一個創(chuàng)造者,她賦予獵豹生動立體的造型,以此作為獵豹精神的化身,并將獵豹形象運用于真正的珠寶作品,因此我們在卡地亞的珠寶作品中看到豹首活靈活現(xiàn)的形態(tài)。
She chose something so strong that it’s still being worn today, and women everywhere are wearing it. I feel really honoured to still be wearing her designs now.貞·杜桑女士創(chuàng)造的這種充滿力量的形象,至今依舊人入人心,世界各地的女性都佩戴者它們。我很榮幸直到現(xiàn)在還能佩戴她設計的珠寶作品。
How would you define the panther spirit?你如何理解獵豹精神?
I think as women especially today we are continually asked to rise up and to be ourselves and to be singular, independent, fierce, but incredibly vulnerable, and I think the panther, and the spirit of the panther utterly embodies that.作為當今的女性,我們被不斷激勵站起來活出真我,展現(xiàn)獨特,鋒芒,果敢的個性特質,但女性又有極其脆弱的一面,我認為獵豹和獵豹精神很好地詮釋了這點。
How does it feel to embody such a powerful creature?作為獵豹的化身又怎樣的感受?
Because the panther is so feminine and so feline, I think it reminds me to try and be strong in who I am and to remember who I am and to be sure about who I am, as well as keep a gentleness and an openness and a softness.獵豹的形象柔美而充滿野性氣息,它啟發(fā)我敢于嘗試,保持強大,忠于自我,相信自己,同時保持溫和,開放和柔美。
And I think the suppleness of the panther, the independence, the fierceness and the strength for me has always been something that I would only hope to embody in my life, to try and combine those things, which I think is the feminine, honestly.對我而言,獵豹的堅韌與獨立,果敢和力量一直是我希望在生活中展現(xiàn)的品質,我認為正是這些美好的特質構成了女性魅力。

