A woman gets a birthday card from her dad, five years after his death

2018-03-25 08:49:1103:44 287

By?Doug Criss,CNN

Everyone loves getting cards on their birthday. But a Tennessee(?田納西州,美國州名) woman gota card from her father that she'll cherish(珍惜,珍愛) forever.

Bailey Sellers' father, Mike Sellers, died of Stage(階段;舞臺)?IV pancreaticcancer(胰腺癌)in 2013, just a few months before her 17th birthday. But her dad madesure(確保) he could still celebrate her special day, even in death.

Before his death he prepaid(預付) a flower shop to deliver flowers and a card to her everyyear on her birthday. The last of the flowers and cards came last week, for her 21st birthday.

"When I opened this card, I especially(尤其;格外;特別) felt him with me. It's a cold feeling, then a happy feeling at the sametime(同時)," Sellers, of Knoxville(?諾克斯維爾,美國田納西州東部城市),Tennessee, told?CNN.

In the card that came with this year's flowers, Mike Sellers told his daughter this would be his last letter to her "until we meet again" and that she shouldn't shed anymore tears(shed tears 流淚) over him.

"I am in a better place. You are and will always be the most precious(珍貴) jewel(珠寶) I was given," he wrote.

Seller's father also told her that he'd always be with her.

"Iwill still be with you through every milestone(里程碑). Just look around and there I will be."

My dad passed away(去世)?when I was 16 from cancer and before he died he prepaid flowers so I could receive them every year on my birthday. Well this is my 21st birthday flowers and the last. Miss you so much daddy.

—Bailey Sellers

Touched(感動) by her late(已故的) father's gesture(手勢,姿態(tài)),Sellers tweeted(發(fā)推特) a photo of the flowers, the card and an old photo of her dad hoisting(舉起) her up on his shoulder during a long ago trip to the beach.

"Miss you so much daddy," the tweet ends, with a little purple heart.

The post lit up(lightup 點亮) Twitter,with thousands of people not only sharing it but also telling their own stories of how they dealt with(deal with處理,應對)?the pain of losing a parent. Sellers understands that pain; she said she became depressed(沮喪,抑郁) after her father's death. So now she's studying psychology(心理學)?at East Tennessee State University, hoping to be able to(能夠) one day help people navigate(導航;解決,應對) the kind of grief(悲痛) that once enveloped(envelop包圍;包裹) her.

She thinks her dad would be proud of(為...感到驕傲) himself for having pulled off(努力實現,做成某事) such a beautiful gesture, which offers an important lesson for all of us.

"He would be so proud that he did this," she said. "He made people happy.He made people realize that they shouldn't ... take the people they care about for granted(take…for granted認為…是理所當然的)."


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