

TPO task6 Subsurface locomotion

In the lecture, the professor introducesthe concept of subsurface locomotion, which refers to a kind of animal behaviorto be able to move underneath the surface of the ground.


most animals walk on the ground when theymove from place to place. However, some animals can move underground, whichprovides the animals two advantages: to get more protection, and to get food.


The professor then gives some examples toelaborate her points.


Firstly, she gives an example of a kind oflizard in Sahara Desert. The lizard moves under the sand. By doing that, it canavoid the danger outside.


Secondly, the professor takes the lizardfor another example. subsurface locomotion can actually help the lizard catchprey. In this case, if there is an insect moving on the surface of the sand,the lizard can feel the gentle movements. Then it moves secretly under the sandand catches it by surprise.

All in all, according to the lecture, subsurfacelocomotion is a useful skill for some animals to survive.
