怪怪故事屋 Bedtime Story


? ? ?《怪怪故事屋》是北京外語(yǔ)廣播2014推出的節(jié)目,適合0-6歲寶寶英語(yǔ)啟蒙,睡前伴隨。周一到周五晚上6點(diǎn)發(fā)布。周六日不發(fā)布新節(jié)目,因?yàn)槲覀兿M鷣?lái)為寶寶講故事,陪伴寶寶。

? ? ? Story House is a bedtime story radio program which started in 2014 by AM774. BRC.?Each day, two hosts will play games and tell a story to your babies. No matter their first language is English or Chinese, they will enjoy it very much and learn a new language from it. Update Mon-Fri 6 PM. It's your turn to tell stories on weekends for babies.?
