The Difference Between Winners & Losers - Solo Salinas

2018-11-06 18:19:5207:13 39.9萬

You're here right now at this moment because tomorrow you want to be somebody greater than the person you are today. You see yourself succeeding, you have a vision, you have a dream. Congratulations, you're already ten steps ahead of ninety-five percent of the world.

Imagine if Michael Jordan was scared of missing. He would have never taken a shot. Imagine if Steve Jobs was afraid of people not liking his product. There would be no iphone. So ask yourself this, do you want to be a person who fears failure or do you want to be a person who loves success? Which one?

You're gonna have to pick today and I'll tell you one thing, one is a failure and one is a success, and if you love success there is nothing that can stop you, all those negative things people say will mean nothing. They're going to talk about how only 1% make it to the top. Big deal. Want to know something else? only 1% stick with that fitness program long enough to see results, only 1% of nerds stick with that video game long enough to get good at it, only 1% of relationships stick it out to the end. That doesn't mean you have a one-percent chance, it just means you can't behave like the ninety-nine percent you'll have to do something better than giving up a month from now.

Those are just numbers. You want to talk about numbers? Take a look around you and take a good look around you. Are you like ninety-nine percent of the people around you? If you are then you're in the wrong video my friend, you have to love success just as much because that's going to allow you to get up and go for it. Being scared to fail won't do anything, in fact when you love success and you start going for it, guess what happens? You're gonna fail, you're going to fail ten times a hundred times, maybe even a thousand times, but that's okay.









優(yōu)秀 加油 希望你能越來越好?

