NO.35 沒有奮斗就沒有進(jìn)步y(tǒng)ou can have whatever you are willing to struggle

2018-11-10 11:58:3802:44 2137

Almost any accomplishment has come at the hands of people who have taken risk幾乎所有的成就源自于那些愿意冒險(xiǎn)的人
People who are willing to push the envelope那些愿意挑戰(zhàn)極限的人
People who are willing to explore the unknown那些愿意探索未知的人
We will never make progress unless we’re willing to take risk我們絕不會(huì)取得進(jìn)步,除非我們?cè)敢馊ッ半U(xiǎn)
You cannot get to the mountain top without taking a few missteps你要等上頂峰,必然有所所失策
Failure not a bad thing失敗不是一件壞事
Ask yourself what’s the opportunity from the failure問問自己,從失敗中獲得什么機(jī)會(huì)
And get in the game然后投身此中
Because when you get to the last hour of your last day因?yàn)樵谀闵R終之際
It will not be the failure that you regret你不會(huì)后悔自己的失敗
It will be all the risks you didn’t take而會(huì)后悔自己沒有去冒的險(xiǎn)
You cannot let a fear of failure stop you from doing what’s going to make you great你不能讓失敗的恐懼阻擋你去做讓你優(yōu)秀的事情
You cannot succeed without this risk of failure沒有失敗的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)你就無法取得成功
You must go out and you must take these risks你必須走出你的小天地,去冒這些險(xiǎn)
Do what’s uncomfortable去做那些讓你不舒服的事情
And scary, and hard, 可怕的、艱巨的事情
but pays off in the long run但從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來看是值得的
Be willing to fail愿意去失敗
Fail, pick yourself up and fail again失敗就撐起身子站起來,再失敗一次
Live like this as best you can竭盡全力與此同在
and I guarantee you will look back on a life well lived我想你保證,當(dāng)你回首時(shí),這會(huì)是美好的生活
Just because you failed doesn’t mean you’re a failure不能僅僅因?yàn)榈脑?jīng)失敗過就意味著你是個(gè)失敗者
There is so much power in failure在失敗中蘊(yùn)涵著許多力量
Because you learn so much from it因?yàn)槟隳軓闹袑W(xué)到許多
I believe in you我相信你
I know you can do it , right?我相信你能做到,好嗎?
The worst thing you can do is give up now and quit最糟糕的事情是你現(xiàn)在就放棄,毅然放棄了
What you can do is bounce back你能做的就是卷土重來
What you can do is be resilient你能做的就是堅(jiān)持不懈
What you can do is turn that whole thing around你能做的就是扭轉(zhuǎn)局勢(shì)
Become great成為優(yōu)秀的自己
But the worst thing you can do is quit但最糟糕的事情就是放棄
So don’t quit所以,千萬別放棄
Don’t give up不要放棄
Don’t give in 不要屈服
Hang in there抵死抗拒
If I don’t win, I showed up如果我沒有取得勝利,我會(huì)付諸行動(dòng)
I gave my valid effort我會(huì)付出實(shí)際的努力
And tomorrow I’ll do the same thing and I’ll continue to throw against the wall明天繼續(xù)做同樣的事情,并且我會(huì)繼續(xù)下去,直到觸及墻壁之時(shí)

and something will stick留下我的汗水

which will never define me這永遠(yuǎn)也不會(huì)將我定義
It will just re-motivate that my tactics它們只會(huì)改變我的戰(zhàn)術(shù)
Everyday I’ll throw more up there每天我都會(huì)投入更多的精力

and try it again and try it again 不斷去嘗試

and I’ll never get comfortable 我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)獲得舒適
I want you to fail forward我想要你往前失敗
I want you to get to a place in your life我想要你在生活中到達(dá)這樣的境界that every mistake you make那時(shí)你所犯下的每一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤

every setback you get你所遇到的每一個(gè)挫折
Right, every obstacle that you don’t overcome對(duì)吧?你沒有克服的每一個(gè)障礙every barrier that you can’t climb你翻越不了的每一個(gè)屏障
I don’t want you to give up , but I want you to fail forward我不想讓你選擇放棄,我想讓你往前失敗
I’m saying that you got to learn from your mistakes我是這樣的意思你得從你的錯(cuò)誤中得到教訓(xùn)that every mistake you make你所犯下的每一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
You fail a class, get back up and try again你考試不及格,那你就好好讀書,再次嘗試一次
You lose a job, get back up and try again你丟了工作,那你就好好努力,再嘗試一次
You put all your money in an investment你將所有資金都用于投資而付諸東流
Get back and try it again那就卷土從來,再嘗試一次
If you start a business and it doesn’t work如果你創(chuàng)業(yè)無果
Don’t stop, don’t quit不要放棄
Fail forward往前失敗
Learn from each and every one of your mistakes從你的每一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤中得到教訓(xùn)
Don’t quit, don’t give up 不要放棄
If it gets hard如果情況變得艱難
You tie a knot around yourself要緊牙關(guān)堅(jiān)持
You double tie it if you have to but you hold on如果有必要再咬緊一點(diǎn),但你堅(jiān)持下來
You got to embrace faith and believe that你必須要接受這樣的信念
“one day is gonna be my day”相信“總有一天我會(huì)成功”
But one day can’t be your day if you give up如果你放棄了,那么你無法擁有成功的一天
If you quit如果你放棄了
No day will ever be your day你永遠(yuǎn)也無法取得成功
I’ll telling you today我今天告訴你
I’m telling you to your face我就這樣告訴你吧
You can have whatever you’re willing to struggle for你可以擁有任何你為之奮斗的東西
Cause remember without struggle there’s no progress請(qǐng)記?。]有奮斗就沒有進(jìn)步





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沒有答案 No Answer



No.1 沒有任何借口







