
2018-12-08 14:20:2114:24 11.6萬


[00:00.91]6 電 話


[00:04.38]This is Dennis Smith. (我是丹尼斯·史密斯。 )
[00:10.39]Hello, John? 喂,(是約翰嗎? )
[00:15.17]Is this Mr. Dennis Smith? (喂, 請問是丹尼斯·史密斯先生嗎? )
[00:24.60]Is this the finance department? (請問是財務科嗎? )
[00:32.15]Is this Dr. Jim Baker's office? (請問是吉姆·貝克醫(yī)生的辦公室嗎? )
[00:42.53]Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的電話嗎?)
[00:50.71]May I speak to Mr. Sato?(我想找佐藤先生。 )
[00:58.48]Is Mark there? (馬克在嗎? )
[01:03.20]I'm sorry for calling you this late. (真對不起,這么晚了還給您打電話。)
[01:13.66]I hope I'm not disturbing you. (我希望我沒打擾您。)
[01:21.44]I hope I didn't wake you up. (但愿沒吵醒您。)
[01:28.28]It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.(我有急事要找巴爾先生。)
[01:38.88]I'm calling about tomorrow's meeting. (有關明天開會的事給您打電話。)
[01:48.24]I'm returning your call.(我給您回電話。 )


[01:57.71]Hello. (喂!)
[02:00.53]Speaking.( 對,我就是。)
[02:04.59]It's me. (是我呀。)
[02:07.91]ABC Business College, may I help you?( ABC商務學院。您有什么事?)
[02:18.92]Who's calling, please?(您是哪位? )
[02:23.95]Who in particular would you like to talk to? (您想找哪位接電話? )
[02:33.80]He's been expecting your call.(他一直在等您的電話。)
[02:41.88]Which Suzuki do you want to talk to? (您要找哪個鈴木? )
[02:50.73]There are three Suzukis here. (這兒有三位姓鈴木的。)
[02:57.93]Would you mind calling back later?(您能過會兒再打嗎? )
[03:05.66]Extension 103, please. (請轉103。)
[03:13.40]I'll connect you to extension 103.(我給您接103分機。 )
[03:24.04]Hold on, please. (請稍等一下。 )
[03:29.63]I'll put him on. (我讓他接電話。 )
[03:34.41]I'll transfer your call.(我把電話給您接過去。 )
[03:41.46]I'll get your party for you. (我把電話轉給負責人。)
[03:48.94]I'm transferring your call to the sales department.(我把您的電話接到營業(yè)部去。)
[04:00.42]Mr. Peck is on line one.(是貝克打來的,請接1號線。 )
[04:09.65]You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.(ABC公司米蘭先生的電話。 )
[04:21.68]Your party is on the line. (您要找的人來接電話了。)


[04:33.79]Her line is busy now. 她正在接電話。
[04:40.31]I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment. (對不起,她現(xiàn)在脫不開身。 )
[04:50.05]I'm sorry, she has company at this time. (對不起,她正在接待客人。 )
[04:59.62]Would you like to hold? (您等會兒行嗎?)
[05:05.25]He's away from his desk now.(他現(xiàn)在不在座位上。 )
[05:13.26]He's in but he's not at his desk right now. (他在公司,但現(xiàn)在不在座位上。)
[05:24.83]I'm sorry, he's not in right now.(對不起,他出去了。 )
[05:33.38]When is he coming back?(他什么時候能回來? )
[05:39.83]He should be back in ten minutes. (他大概10分鐘后回來。)
[05:48.53]He should be back in the office next week. (他應該下個星期來上班。)
[05:58.73]He's on vacation until next week. (他休假到下個星期。)
[06:07.89]He called in sick today.(他打電話來說病了。 )
[06:15.68]He's out of town now. (他現(xiàn)在出差去了。)
[06:22.73]He's out to lunch now. (他現(xiàn)在吃午飯去了。 )
[06:29.20]He's in a meeting right now. (他現(xiàn)在正在開會。)
[06:36.44]He's off today. (他今天休息。)


[06:46.63]Could you call back later?(您能過會兒再打來嗎?)
[06:54.23]Please call me back in ten minutes. (請10分鐘后再打。 )
[07:03.55]May I take a message? (您要給他留言嗎?)
[07:11.29]I'll try again later.(過會兒我再打。 )
[07:17.92]Can I leave a message?(能留個口信嗎? )
[07:25.54]I called but your line was busy.(我給你打電話了,可是占線。 )
[07:35.76]Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?(請告訴他林恩·凱恩給他打過電話。)
[07:49.17]Please tell him to call me.(請轉告他讓他給我回個電話。)
[07:58.80]How can he get a hold of you?(他怎么跟您聯(lián)系呢? )
[08:08.28]Your number, please? (請告訴我您的電話號碼。)
[08:16.38]My number is 1234-1234. (我的電話號碼是1234-1234。 )
[08:35.17]You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o'clock.(請6點以前打1234-1234跟我聯(lián)系。)
[09:00.10]Let me repeat the number. That's 1234-1234.(我再確認一下電話號碼,1234-1234,對嗎?)
[09:22.22]OK. I'll tell him that you called.(好的,我轉告他您來電話了。 )
[09:33.84]How do you spell your name?(您的名字怎么拼? )
[09:41.38]Mr. Smith called you during the meeting.(您開會的時候史密斯先生給您來電話了。)
[09:54.58]I'll have him call you back.(我讓他給您回電話好了。 )
[10:04.01]Shall I have him call you back?(是不是讓他給您回電話呀? )


[10:17.66]Thanks for calling. (謝謝您打來電話。)
[10:22.98]Please call again anytime. (請隨時來電話。 )
[10:30.16]I'd better get off the phone. (我得掛電話了。 )
[10:36.84]I have to go now.(我得掛電話了。 )
[10:42.95]I guess I'd better get going. (我該掛電話了。)
[10:50.17]Nice talking to you. Bye. (能跟您通上話,我非常高興,再見。)
[10:59.10]Please hang up the phone. (請掛電話吧。 )
[11:05.29]I was cut off.(電話斷了。 )
[11:10.38]She hung up on me. (我還沒說完呢,她就把電話掛上了。 )
[11:18.14]The phone went dead. (電話不通。 )
[11:23.40]Thank you for returning my call.(謝謝你給我回電話。 )


[11:34.69]I'm afraid you have the wrong number. (您好像打錯電話了。)
[11:43.26]What number are you calling?(您撥的電話號碼是多少? )
[11:50.90]Who would you like to talk to?(您找哪位呀? )
[11:57.47]There's no one here by that name.(這兒沒有您說的這個人。 )
[12:06.00]There's no Bob Hope in this office.(我們公司沒有叫鮑勃·霍普的。)
[12:16.49]I'm sorry. I must have misdialed.(對不起,我好像打錯了。)


[12:29.07]This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. (我是加里·米爾斯,請盡快跟我聯(lián)絡。)
[12:54.56]This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.
[13:17.00]This is a recording. (這是電話錄音。)
[13:27.54]Please speak a little more slowly.(您能說慢一點兒嗎?)
[13:35.09]I can't hear you very well.(我聽不清楚。 )
[13:41.91]We have a bad connection.(電話線好像有毛病。)
[13:48.97]Could you speak up, please?(您能再大點兒聲嗎? )
[13:55.64]The lines are crossed. (串線了。 )
[14:01.19]I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (對不起,讓您久等了。)
[14:09.43]Thank you for waiting. (謝謝您等我。 )
[14:14.41]You gave me the wrong number.(你給我的電話號碼是錯的。)
[14:22.10] John-Lonelybird The Great


















