
2018-12-20 17:39:0319:41 1010





1. W:I think the computer is the most important invention.

M: For me, the telephone is the most important one. Because I can chat with my friends at

any 說明: 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學(xué)資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學(xué)相關(guān)資訊!time I want.

2. M: What a great party for Mid-Autumn Festival!

W:I think so. I like the great performance and delicious mooncakes.

3. M: Mary, is that you? Wow, you have changed a lot!

W: Hey, Alan. Yeah,I used to have long curly hair, but now I have short hair.

4. W: You know,1 will go to China next month, Jack?

M: Oh, really?I think you are supposed to shake hands when you meet people for the first time.

5. M: Hello, Lily, where did you go on vacation last year?

W:1 went to Guizhou.l visited the famous Huangguoshu Waterfall.



聽第6段材料,回答6 -7題。[來源:學(xué)##網(wǎng)]

W: What do you want to be when you grow up, John?

M:1 want to be an astronaut, Mum.

W: It's great. Why do you want to be an astronaut?

M: Because I think it must be interesting to watch the earth from space. My hero is Jing Haipeng.

W: You have to be strong and healthy if you want to be an astronaut.

M: You're right, Mum. So I do sports every day to be stronger and 說明: 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學(xué)資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學(xué)相關(guān)資訊!I also know I need to study hard to make my dream come true.

昕第7段材料,回答8 -10題。

W: May I help you?

M: Yeah. Father's Day is coming. I'm looking for a gift for my father.

W: We have a lot of gifts here. How about this black shirt?

M: How much is it?

W: It's only$25.

M: That's too expensive for me.

W: How much money do you want to spend?

M:$16. That's all I have.

W: How about this tie?

M: It looks nice, but I don't like the color.

W: What about this blue and black one?

M: That's OK. How much is it?

W: It's $ 18. But it's 說明: 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學(xué)資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學(xué)相關(guān)資訊!on sale now. It is only $ 15.

M: Oh, thanks. I'll take i說明: 學(xué)科網(wǎng)(www.zxxk.com)--教育資源門戶,提供試卷、教案、課件、論文、素材及各類教學(xué)資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學(xué)相關(guān)資訊!t.

聽第8段材料,回答11 - 13題。

M:Morning, Alice. How was your holiday in the country?

W:Wonderful! We had a great time. And some friends went with us.

M:Where did you stay? In a hotel?

W:No, we stayed in farmers' houses. We cooked all our meals ourselves and ate outside

M:Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good?

W:The sun shone nearly every day and it didn't rain.

M:Did you like the people there?

W:Yes, they were friendly. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.

M:When did you come back? Last night?

W:No, we came back this morning.

昕第9段材料,回答14 - 16題。

M: What can I do for you, madam?

W: Yes, please. I've been to see my daughter, but I can't find the way

M: You've been to Dazhou before?

W: Yes. Several years ago I did. But Dazhou has changed a lot.

M: That's true. So your daughter should come to meet you at the train station.

W: I didn't tell her about it. I think she is busy and I don't want to trouble her.

M: Where does she work, do you know? Do you have her address?

W: I only know she works in a school and beside it is a Children's Hospital.

M: Great. I know where it is. Come on with me. I can help you find it.

W: Thanks a lot.

昕下面-段獨(dú)白,回答17 -20題。

Last year I volunteered as a clerk at a local store. I worked there for a month. I felt very happybecause I could do something to help our local people.

One day, a young mother with a baby came to the store. The baby was only one year old. Theyoung mother was looking for some toys for her son. She was happy about a toy she was looking at.But after she went through her bag for a while, she said that she had left her wallet at home.

I suggested she went home quickly and came back for the toy, but she said she lived far fromhere. Looking at her disappointed face, I felt sorry for her and I took out my wallet and paid for hertoy. She was so surprised that someone offered to do that and then she took down my name and address.

My mother thought the young lady wouldn't give back the money. But two days later, after I

received a check from the woman. She was very surprised!














5年中考試卷匯編 英語聽力

