第三章 第五節(jié) 單句題

2019-03-10 18:05:3911:11 2.1萬


1.      Iam sorry to tell you we have to keep you under quarantine for two more days.

A.     Thespeaker means the quarantine inspection is over.

B.     Thespeaker means the quarantine inspection lasts for two days.

C.     Thespeaker means the quarantine inspection is not over.

D.     Thespeaker means the quarantine inspection is satisfactory.


2.      Myvessel is healthy and I request free pratique.

A. The vessel asks for free practice.        B. The vessel asks for free technique.

C. The vessel asks for free advice.  D. The vessel asks for free pratique.


3.      Myvessel passed the quarantine in good order and received the pratique.

A.     Thevessel was healthy and refused the pratique.

B.     Thevessel was unhealthy and refused the pratique.

C.     Thevessel was healthy and obtained the pratique.

D.     Thevessel was unhealthy and obtained the pratique.


4.      Thejoint inspection on board is no longer in existence. You may apply for pratiqueto the Port Health Office through your local agent.

A.     Thejoint inspection is done through the local agent.

B.     Thejoint inspection is done through the Port Health Office.

C.     Thejoint inspection is unnecessary.

D.     Thejoint inspection is compulsory.


5. My vessel anchored at the quarantineground to await the pratique.

A.     Thevessel anchored for high tide.

B.     Thevessel anchored for bunkering.

C.     Thevessel anchored for quarantine inspection.

D.     Thevessel anchored for customs inspection.


6. You should proceed to anchorage forhealth clearance.

A.     Thevessel shall anchor for high tide.

B.     Thevessel shall anchor for bunkering.

C.     Thevessel shall anchor for quarantine inspection.

D.     Thevessel shall anchor for customs inspection.


 7.You should make the appropriate pratique signal.

A.     Theproper pratique signal shall be shown.

B.     Theproper safety signal shall be shown.

C.     Theproper pilot signal shall be shown.

D.     Theproper anchor signal shall be shown.


 8.Hoist the flag for quarantine.

A.     The“ G” flag shall be hoisted.          B.The “H” flag shall be hoisted.

C. The “Q” flag shall be hoisted.      D. The “P” flag shall be hoisted.


9. Lower the “Q” flag after quarantine isfinished.

A.     Letdown the “Q” flag before the quarantine inspection.

B.     Letdown the UQ,J flag after the quarantine inspection.

C.     Hoistthe “Q” flag before the quarantine inspection.

D.     Hoistthe “Q” flag after the quarantine inspection.


10. I’ll check the vaccination list and theyellow book.

A.     Boththe vaccination list and the yellow book shall be submitted.

B.     Boththe vaccination list and the yellow book shall be checked.

C.     Eitherthe vaccination list or the yellow book shall be submitted.

D.     Eitherthe vaccination list or the yellow book shall be checked.


11. All hands must muster for the sanitaryinspection.

A.     Allcrewmembers shall assemble for customs inspection.

B.     Allcrewmembers shall assemble for quarantine inspection.

C.     Allcrewmembers shall assemble for immigration inspection.

D. All crewmembers shall assemble for jointinspection.


 12.I have been to an infected area. All the living quarters should be disinfected.

 A.All the cabins should be sanitized.    B.All the holds should be sanitized.

C. All the cabins have been disinfected. D. All the holds have been disinfected.


13. Were you all inoculated against thiskind of infectious disease?

A. Were you all infected with this kind ofinfectious disease?

B.     Wereyou all afraid of this kind of infectious disease?

C.     Wereyou all injected against this kind of infectious disease?

D.     Wereyou all free of this kind of infectious disease?


 14.Was there any epidemic in the last port of call?

A.     Wasthere any plague in the next port of call?

B.     Wasthere any plague in the last port of call?

C.     Wasthere any pratique in the next port of call?

D.     Wasthere any pratique in the last port of call?


 15.You should have all cargo holds fumigated according to the quarantine officer ‘sinstruction.

A. All cargo holds have been made germ freeaccording to the inspector ‘s instruction.

B.     Allcargo holds have been made gas free according to the inspector’ s instruction.

C.     Allcargo holds have to be made germ free according to the inspector’ sinstruction.

D.     Allcargo holds have to be made gas free according to the inspector’s instruction.


16. The fumigation officers came on boardand started fumigation in the whole ship with hydrocyanic gas

A.     Theship ^ s officers did the fumigation with hydrocyanic gas.

B.     Thefumigation officers did the fumigation with hydrocyanic gas.

C.     Theship5 s officers did the fumigation work with hydrogen gas.

D.     Thefumigation officers did the fumigation with hydrogen gas.


17. After finishing the fumigation work,open all the openings.

A. Open all the hatches before thefumigation work.

B. Open all the hatches after thefumigation work.

C.     Openall the cabins before the fumigation work.

D.     Openall the cabins after the fumigation work.


18. The doctor will come on board tovaccinate all crew and passengers.

A.     Thedoctor will come on board to visit the crew and passengers.

B.     Thedoctor will come on board to evacuate the crew and passengers.

C.     Thedoctor will come on board to inoculate the crew and passengers.

D.     Thedoctor will come on board to check the crew and passengers.


19. Has the sick person been isolated fromthe other crew members?

A.     Thespeaker wants to know whether the sick person has been examined.

B.     Thespeaker wants to know when the sick person has been examined.

C.     Thespeaker wants to know whether the sick person has been isolated.

D.     Thespeaker wants to know when the sick person has been isolated.


20. Tell me honestly if there is any caseof yellow fever.

A.     The  speaker wants to know if there       is any        case of small pox.

B.     The  speaker wants to know if there       is any        case of AIDS.

C.     The  speaker wants to know if there       is any        case of yellow fever.

D.     The  speaker wants to know if there       is any        case of plague.


21.1 can assure you that there wasn, t anycase of small pox during our voyage.

A.     Thespeaker is certain there was a case of small pox.

B.     Thespeaker is certain there was no case of small pox.

C.     Thespeaker is not sure if there was a case of small pox.

D.     Thespeaker is assured that there was no case of small pox.






