The Fox and the Crane 狐貍和鶴(下)

2019-05-16 23:29:1211:55 1.5萬(wàn)

The Fox and the Crane

The next day, Mrs. Crane telephones Mr. Fox.

Fox: Hello.

Crane: Mr. Fox, this is Mrs. Crane. Thank you for your lunch yesterday.

Fox: It was nothing. So why did you call?

Crane: This time, I want to invite you for lunch. I am preparing your favorite dish.

Fox: Really? I know the way to your house. I will come right away.

Mr.Fox rushes to Mrs. Crane's house. He smells fish outside the house.

Fox: I can smell fish, my favorite dish. I'm so hungry.

 (Mr. Fox wets his mouth and strokes his stomach.)

Mrs.Crane opens the door.

Crane: Mr. Fox, welcome! You came very quickly. Are you hungry?

Fox: Yes, I am. Can we eat now?

Crane: Of course. I'll bring in the fish right away.

Mrs.Crane brings in the fish from the kitchen. But the fish is not on a plate. It is inside a long narrow bottle. Mr. Fox looks surprised. His eyes are about to pop out.

Crane: Let's eat. Mmm…Delicious, isn't it, Mr. Fox?

Fox: It looks very good.

Crane: But why aren't you eating?

Fox: I will. Mr. Fox tries to eat the fish, but he can't get it out from the long,narrow bottle. Mr. Fox has a short mouth and tongue. He realizes his mistake,and can't say anything.

Crane:This is the most delicious fish in the world. I will have another. How about you, Mr. Fox?

Fox:No, thank you. I think I have a stomachache.

Crane:That's too bad.

Fox: I must go home now. Bye.

Crane: Good-bye, Mr. Fox! Come again! Ha, ha, ha…

Mr. Fox rushes home in shame. Mrs. Crane sees Mr. Fox running away and keeps on laughing.



next  下一個(gè)

day  天

telephone  電話,打電話

yesterday  昨天

call  打電話

invite  邀請(qǐng)

favorite  最喜歡的

rush to  匆匆到…

outside  在…外面

mouth   嘴巴

stomach  胃

look  看,看起來(lái)

surprised  驚訝

about  幾乎,關(guān)于

popout  瞪出

try  嘗試

tongue  舌頭

realize  意識(shí)到

mistake  錯(cuò)誤

another  另一個(gè)

think  想

stomachache  胃痛

in shame  羞愧地

run away 逃跑

keep on  繼續(xù)

Hattie and The Fox



《Hattie And The Fox》



The Lemonade Detectives【Little Fox】



The Adventures of Reddy Fox

