第六章 介詞之小飛生辰八字2.0版本

2020-03-13 13:14:3310:11 405




1. More and more young people go skating ______ winter.

A. at               B. in         C. on         D. to

2. China successfully hosted the Belt and Road Forum_________May, 2017.

A. on            B. in        C. by

3.“Do you know when the Belt and Road International Day is?”“Yes, it is ____December 16th .”

A.at               B.on         C.in 

4.They arrived at the airport of Huangping ___ the morning of June 7th .

A.in                B.at          C.by          D.on

5.My younger brother was born __ the night of June 21st. He is very cute.

A.in            B.on        C.at

6.Jim’s birthday is ___ January.

A.on            B.in         C.at

7.Over 10,000 runners joined a half and mini marathons in Xianlin,Nanjing ___May 7,2017.

A.in             B.on            C.at          D.by

8.Teachers’ Day is ____ September 10, and the Spring Festival is usually _____February.

A.in;on           B.in; in         C.on;in        D.in ;at

9.What time do you usually get up on weekends.?

  I usually get up ___7:00 o’clock in the morning.

A.at              B.in          C.on

10.____April 22nd , people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways.

A.In               B.At          C.On

11.We all like watching the TV programme Readers ___ Saturday evening.

A.in             B.on          C.at           D.for

12. ______ 2000, this company has seen much new development. It has become one of the biggest companies in the country.

A. For           B. In         C. By           D. Since
13.Shanghai Disneyland opened ___ June 16.2016.We want to visit it.

A.in             B.on         C.at            D.of

14.A couple from Australia welcomed five healthy babies ___January.

  A.at             B.in             C.for        D.on

15. It’s good for us to drink milk ________ the morning.

A. at         B. on            C. in        D. from

16.___ April 1 China announced that it would build the Xiong an New Area in Hebei Province .

A.On         B.In             C.At       D.To

17. —Do you know Victory Day in China? 

—Yes, it’s _____ September 3rd _____each year. It tells the world that Chinese people love peace and hate wars. Chinese people will never forget the history. 

A.in; on        B. on; /         C. at; /       D. on; in

18. ________ May 5th, 2017, the C919 took off successfully for the first time at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

A. On           B. In                C. At        D. Of

19. Shirley is still waiting for her flight to New York City ____ the airport.

A. at                 B. under                 C. on               D. with

20.It is reported that heads of the state ___ 29 foreign countries attended the Belt  and Road Forum for International Cooperation(一帶一路國際合作高峰論壇)____ May 14 and 15,2017.

A.in ;at         B.at; for        C. from; on      D.of; in

21. —Taiwan is an important part of China.

—Yes, it lies ______the southeast of China.

A.in               B. on                     C.to

22. Miss Li, ___, is active all the time. Although she has not been well these 

days, her class is still full of laughter.

A. as you know   B. all in all    C. to start with

23. When you’re invited to have dinner at home by an American friend, you should be ___ or a little later. It’s different from our Chinese custom.

A. on time            B. on business  C. on show

24.___ the scientists’ hard work, Tiangong II was launched(發(fā)射) successfully.

  A. As for       B. Thanks to         C. Instead of      D. According to

25.How is your secondhand computer?—_____so good

A.As long         BSo far    CSo much          DAAs for

26.Grace often gets nervous before she gives a speech ___.

A.in public        B.in total      C.in common

27.Most of the wild animals are ___ because of their bad living environment.

   So me must do something to save them.

A.in need       B.on duty      C.at work          D.in danger

28.Since you are ____ danger, why not ask ___ help?

A.in; for        B.in ;to        C.with; for         D.with;to

29. — Hello, may I speak ____ Mike?—This is Mike speaking.

A. at         B. to              C. in            D. on

30.Many people like watching Chinese Poetry Conference (詩詞大會)____TV.

 A.in           B. of            C.at              D. on

31. To my pleasure, my family is always _____ me whatever I decide to do.

A. above                   B. behind                  C. from               D. through

32.The whole family were ____agreement about what they should do next

A. about             Bof            C. in           Don

33.I look forward _____ you soon

A. see                B. seeing       C. to see      D. to seeing

34.—Why would you like to walk ___ the forest?—Because I want to try _____.

 A. across; exciting something      B. through; exciting something

 C. across; something exciting      D. through; something exciting.

35. Mr. Zhao is going to the airport _______ taxi.

A. in                      B. on            C. by

36. Just walk down this road and you’ll see the museum ________ your right.

A. on                   B. in                     C. at                         D. by

37.Father brought his little boy to a concert. But he’s too young to sit ___ the whole concert.

 A. for        B. with             C. during            D. through

38. One of the opinions _____ smoking is that it is harmful to people’s health.

 A. for                  B. against        C. at                                 D. in

39.He did all this ___ silence , and very rapidly.

 A.at          B.in             C. with               D. of

40.Do you know the student ___ David and Jack? Yeah. It’s Jim.

 A. among      B.in             C. between           D. around

















