
2020-04-23 20:07:4304:04 913

Hello, everybody. I'm speaking to you today from a UPS customer center (UPS客戶中心)in Landover, Maryland(馬里蘭州的蘭多弗), where I came to talk about an issue that's affecting (影響)families and businesses just like this one, the rising price of gas, and what we can do as a country to reduce our dependence on foreign oil(減少我們對(duì)外國(guó)石油的依賴).

[UPS: United Parcel Service, Inc.美國(guó)聯(lián)合包裹運(yùn)送服務(wù)公司]

This week, I released a Blueprint (藍(lán)圖)for a Secure Energy Future. It's a strategy (戰(zhàn)略/策略)to reduce the oil we import (進(jìn)口)from around the world, and to make our economy stronger at home. Part of this strategy involves (包括)increasing our oil exploration (石油勘探)right here in America. In fact, our oil production last year reached its highest level since 2003, and we want to encourage (鼓勵(lì))more safe, responsible drilling (更安全、更負(fù)責(zé)的鉆井)where we can.

But the truth is, drilling alone (單靠鉆井)is not a real strategy to replace (取代)our dependence on (依賴)foreign oil. And that's because even though America uses 25 percent of the world's oil, we currently have only about 2 percent of the world's oil reserves(世界石油儲(chǔ)備). Even if we used every last drop (用盡)of all the oil we have, it wouldn't be enough to meet our long-term energy needs(滿足我們長(zhǎng)期的能源需求). So, real energy security (真正的能源安全)can only come if we find ways to use less oil, if we invest in cleaner fuels (清潔能源)and greater efficiency.

That's what we've been doing since I took office. For example, we secured an agreement (達(dá)成協(xié)議)from all the major auto companies (主要的汽車(chē)公司)to raise the fuel efficiency of their cars and trucks. So if you buy a new car, the better gas mileage (汽油里程數(shù))is going to save you about $3,000. Altogether, this will save us about 1.8 billion barrels (18億桶)of oil as a country.

· We need to build on this progress(在這一進(jìn)步的基礎(chǔ)上再接再厲). As we make our cars and trucks more efficient(更有效率), we've got to harness (利用)new technologies to fuel our vehicles (為我們的汽車(chē)提供燃料) with everything from bio-fuels (生物能源)to natural gas (天然氣)to advanced batteries(先進(jìn)的電池). And the good news is, these technologies aren't science fiction (科幻小說(shuō))anymore. They exist today. Already, American car companies are producing electric vehicles (電動(dòng)車(chē)) that use little or no gas. And innovators (創(chuàng)新者,發(fā)明家) across America are testing new products that hold incredible promise (難以置信的前景/希望) not just for new vehicles, but for countless new jobs.

To help jump-start (啟動(dòng))this market, the federal government has doubled the number of clean energy vehicles that we have in our fleet(我們的車(chē)隊(duì)). In the next few years, we're going to switch the entire fleet over(整個(gè)車(chē)隊(duì)).

And I'm here at UPS, because it's not just the government getting in on the action. Companies like UPS, FedEx, AT&T, Verizon, and PepsiCo, firms(企業(yè))with some of the largest fleets in the country, are switching to more efficient vehicles. And through our Clean Fleets Partnership, driven not by government, but by business, more companies are going to be switching to electric and alternative (替代的)vehicles, too, not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because it's good for their bottom lines最終效益.

[FedEx 聯(lián)邦快遞  AT&T 美國(guó)電話電報(bào)公司  Verizon 威瑞森無(wú)線通訊  PepsiCo 百事可樂(lè)公司]

The goal is simple. When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day. Through these and other steps, by a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut that by one third(減少三分之一). And by doing so, we're going to make our economy less vulnerable (易受影響)to wild swings in oil prices(油價(jià)波動(dòng)). We're going to use cleaner sources of energy that don't imperil (危及) our climate. And we're going to spark new products and businesses all over the country by tapping (開(kāi)發(fā)) America's greatest renewable resource(可再生資源): our ingenuity(聰明才智).

We know how important that is. This week, we learned that the economy added 230,000 private sector jobs (私營(yíng)企業(yè)就業(yè))last month. That makes 1.8 million private sector jobs created in the last thirteen months. That's a good sign. But we have to keep up the momentum(保持勢(shì)頭), and transitioning to (過(guò)渡到) a clean energy economy will help us do that. It will ensure that the United States of America is home to the jobs and industries of tomorrow. That's how we'll win the future. And that's how we'll leave our children an America that is more secure and prosperous (繁榮興旺)than before.

Thanks, and have a great weekend.

