
2020-09-18 17:27:0022:24 8711







Section A 
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 
1. A) To earn profits only. C) To advance electronic technology. 
B) To protect the environment. D) To export discarded electronics. 
2. A) They pose great threat to people's health. 
B) They are bad for economic development. 
C) They insert negative effects on the environment 
D) They seldom get recycled in developing countries. 
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 
3. A) Over 3, 700. B) Less than 3, 600. C) Over 3, 600. D) Less than 3, 700. 
4. A) More surviving family can be found in Sierra Leone. 
B) The center will help the growing number of orphans. 
C) The orphans can have a promising future. 
D) There will be more child care centers in Sierra Leone. 
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 
6. A) The African green revolution forum. C) Death of most of the domestic animals. 
B) The speed and severity of climate change. D) The African Agriculture Status Report. 
6. A) Small-scale farmers are the major support for African agriculture. 
B) The small-scale farmers produce 70-percent of the food need. 
C) About 80wecent of these are depend on the weather. 
D) There are about 90qereent small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan. 
7. A) It will affect increase in yield, C) It will reduce many harmful insects. 
B) It will kill most of the domestic animals. D) It will affect food security. 
Section B 
Conversation One 
8.A)To return some business books. 
B)To apply for a new library card. 
C)To check out some books from the library. 
D)To find out where the art books are books are located. 
9.A)The woman thinks he has an overdue book. 
B) The books he need have been checked out by someone else. 
C) The woman is unable to locate the books that he needs. 
D) A library notice was sent to him at his previous address. 
10. A) The man has mistakenly received someone else' s books. 
B) The man changed his major from art to business. 
C)The man recently moved off campus. 
D)There are two students named Richard Smith. 
11.A)See if he is related to any of the students. 
B)Apply for a job as a library assistant. 
C)Use his middle name. 
D)Use a different library. 
Conversation Two 
12. A) Soccer. B) American football.C)Rugby.D)Basketball. 
13. A) The players use a round ball in the game. 
B) the players use an elliptic ball in the game. 
C) The players cannot pass the ball with their hands. 
D) tine players can only pass the ball with their hands. 
14. A) Both prefer soccer to American football. C) Belinda prefers soccer to American football. 
B) Both prefer American football to soccer. D) Martin prefers soccer to American football. 
15.A) She thought it was a soccer game. C) She was excited about the game going on. 
B) She'd like to share the man's hobby. D) She wanted to see how violent it is. 
Section C 
Passage One 
16. A) the city is too crowded.C) the streets are too narrow. 
B) the city is an attractive place.D) the students there lead a comfortable life. 
17. A) Watching traditional plays.C) Boating on the river. 
B) Visiting the magnificent libraries.D) Cycling in narrow streets. 
18. A) There are many visitors there.C) There are many old streets there. 
B) There are many students there.D) There are many bicycles there. 
Passage Two 
19.A) He is a sportsman. C) He is an actor. 
B) He is a photographer. D) He is a publisher. 
20.A) He was good at writing about interesting people. 
B) It was much easier to write stories about people. 
C) He believed that people are always eager to learn about other people. 
D) He thought people played an important role in world events. 
21.A) Business people. B) Journalists. C) Sport fans. D) Celebrities. 
Passage Three 
22. A) In the fist semester. C) In the third semester. 
B) In the second semester. D) In the fourth semester. 
23. A) She is ill. C) Her husband wants her to. 
B) She is too old. D) Her husband is ill. 
24. A) His girlfriend. B) His mother. C) His cousin. D) His teacher. 
25. A) He has decided to continue his studies. C) He has decided to give up his job. 
B) He has still to take a part time job. D) He has still to make a decision.

Section A
Directions: In this section,
you will hear three news reports.
At the end of each news report,
you will hear two or three questions.
Both the news report and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer
from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.
It is the end of the road for these broken,
outdated and unwanted electronics.
Seoul city throws out some 10 tons of e-waste each year,
and about a fifth of that arrives at this recycling center.
But it is not just about earning profits,
says the center’s CEO Ji.
It is about protecting the environment.
“Our planet has a limited amount of natural resources,” he said.
“Our company contributes to a sustainable society,
by preserving these materials.”
Ji says about 90 percent of what is brought here gets recycled.
Accumulating large piles of electronic trash is not only a concern
in technologically-advanced South Korea.
The United Nations reports
millions of tons of the world’s e-waste winds up in developing countries.
poisonous materials like lead and mercury pose a severe health risk.
That is despite international agreements
that ban the export of discarded electronics.
1. What is the purpose of recycling e-waste in Seoul’s recycling center?
2. Why do international agreements ban the export
of discarded electronics?
Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.
UNICEF says more than 3,700 children across west Africa
have lost one or both parents to Ebola.
“Doctors without borders” Axelle Vandoornick said
the growing number of Ebola orphans is a crisis of its own.
Child care services in Sierra Leone are almost nonexistent.
Ministry of health social services officer Doris Mansare is in charge
of running Kailahun's first Ebola children center for orphans.
She said “it’s difficult for us to find family members,
so this temporary care center was established
to basically insure that we get the children from the treatment center.”
Vandoornick said it can be hard to find surviving family.
Ebola is wiping out entire families
because the disease spread inside the families easily.
Doris said
she hopes the new center will help the growing number of orphans,
but she worries about their future.
Vandoornick hopes
there will be many child care centers set up across Sierra Leone.
3. How many kids have lost parents to Ebola in West Africa?
4. What is Vandoornick’s hope?
Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.
A new study says the speed and severity of climate change
could cause major damage to small African farms.
These farmers are already struggling to deal
with the effects of climate change.
The study was released at the African green revolution forum
in Addis Ababa.
It is called the African Agriculture Status Report.
Small-scale farmers are the major support for African agriculture.
About 70-percent of the rural populations in sub-Saharan Africa
are small-scale farmers.
They produce about 80-percent of the food need in Africa.
About 90-precent of these farms are rain-fed,
which means that they depend on the weather.
Weather is rainfall.
Weather is drought.
Weather is an increase in temperature.
They are more exposed to these climate effects
than any other part of the world.
On top of that most of them use their own labor or family labor.
They are not mechanized.
The report says farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are also dealing
with rising temperatures.
This major rise in temperature brings a lot of issues to Africa food security.
It is going to affect reduction in yield,
increase invulnerability to harmful insects and diseases
that will kill most of the domestic animals.
5. What will cause serious damage to small African farms?
6. What do we learn about African agriculture from the news report?
7. What will rising temperatures affect the farmers’ life?
Section B
Directions: In this section,
you will hear two long conversations.
At the end of each conversation,
you will hear four questions.
Both the conversation and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer
from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Conversation One
W: I'm sorry,
but I can't let you check out these books.
M: What do you mean?
W: Wow, the computer shows you got an overdue book,
art work, out since last September.
M: But that's impossible.
I only started going to this school last month
and I'm a business major, not an artist.
W: Oh. This is pretty strange.
Let me look out the records.
OK. You are Richard Smith?
M: Yeah.
W: You live at fifty thirty-three western?
M: No, I am living on campus,
in the new...
W: You did say you are Richard Smith, right?
M: Yeah, well,
my full name is Richard James Smith,
but I usually go by Richard Smith.
W: Let me check one more thing on the computer.
Aha, I see now.
There's another Richard Smith in the class...
Richard El Smith.
And it looks like he's the one
who got the overdue book checked out.
M: Another Richard Smith?
No kidding.
W: So I guess you two never met.
M: No, but I think I should probably try.
I could at least warn him what's just happened.
W: Good idea.
Now I'll let you check out these books today.
But I suggest you start using your middle name,
or mid initial to avoid any problem like this in the future.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8. Why is the man talking to the woman?
9. Why does the man mention that he is a new student at the school?
10. What does the woman discover
when she looks at the records on her computer?
11. What does the woman suggest the man do in the future?
Conversation Two
M: Belinda,
the game will begin soon.
W: I can't wait to watch the game, Martin.
This is the first time I've ever been to a soccer game at a stadium.
I always watch them on TV at home.
M: This is not a soccer game.
It's football. American football.
W: You mean it's a rugby game?
M: No, no, no.
You've got them all wrong...
The game is on. Look!
They use an elliptic ball in an American football match.
They can also pass the ball with their hands.
W: I see.
Soccer uses a round ball
and the players can't touch the ball with their hands.
Is that right?
M: You're smarter than I thought.
Now watch the game.
W: Oh, that is violent!
M: What are you talking about?
It's exciting.
W: Listen, Martin. I can't stand this.
I don't like American football at all.
I came here only because I thought
this was going to be a soccer game.
M: Don't be silly, Belinda.
You'll love it.
It's just begun.
W: Please. I want to go home.
M: All right, all right.
This is crazy.
What will my friends say about this?
W: You can stay if you want.
I can go home by myself.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What kind of game are the speakers watching?
13. What do we learn about American football from the conversation?
14. What do the two speakers think of American football and soccer?
15. Why did the woman come to watch the game?
Section C
Directions: In this section,
you will hear three short passages.
At the end of each passage,
you will hear some questions.
Both the passage and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer from the four choices
marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1
with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Cambridge is about 90 kilometres northeast of London.
It is one of the most beautiful places in Britain.
Everything about the city of Cambridge
reminds you of its famous university:
students on bicycles,
the atmosphere of learning,
traditions and the magnificent buildings of the 30 colleges
that are in the University of Cambridge.
Most of the colleges stand on the bank of the Cam River,
a gentle river that flows through the heart of the city.
Tourists and students like boating in a kind of flat-bottom boat
to see the colleges or to relax themselves.
If the water traffic reminds the visitors of Venice,
the road traffic here is more likely
to recall Beijing or Amsterdam.
The streets are full of bicycles,
hundreds and hundreds of them.
They provide a cheap form of transport for the students
and a very convenient way of getting
around the streets in Cambridge.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16. What is the speaker's impression of Cambridge?
17. What do tourists enjoy doing in Cambridge for relaxation?
18. Why did the road traffic in Cambridge remind people of Beijing?
Passage Two
Mr. Foster started his publishing business
with only one magazine.
It was called World News.
Mostly it had summaries of important week events
from around the world.
But it always included one or two stories about interesting people.
Mr. Foster put these in because he believed
all people like to read about other people.
Several years ago,
Mr. Foster started two magazines.
One was called Enterprise.
It is for business people.
And the other was called Action,
for sports fans.
Like World News,
they always have two or three stories
about interesting people.
Five years ago,
Mr. Foster got another idea for a magazine.
He wanted this one to have even more stories
about people than the others and to have more photographs.
This one was named Faces and Places.
From the very beginning,
it was a big success.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
19. What is Mr. Foster's profession?
20. Why did Mr. Foster add stories about interesting people
to the magazine World News?
21. Who would be interested in the magazine Action,
according to the passage?
Passage Three
Joe is a student at a college in an urban area.
During his first two semesters,
he did very well and at the beginning of the third semester
he was admitted to a special medical program.
If he completed the program successfully,
he would be granted admission to a good medical school.
He would be able to study to become a doctor.
Joe's mother and father both have full-time jobs
and Joe works part-time in a restaurant
to help the family finances.
Several weeks ago,
Joe's mother began feeling sharp chest pains.
When she went to a doctor,
he told her that she would need a heart surgery
and would have to give up her job.
This would enlarge medical expenses
and lose almost half the family's income.
Joe's father wants him to drop out of school
and go to work full-time to help the family.
Joe loves his family very much.
But, if he drops out now,
he would lose the entire semester's credit
and may even lose his place in the premedical program.
He doesn't know what to do.
He speaks to his girlfriend Maria
who urges him to remain in school
since to withdraw now would place his entire future in danger.
He also speaks to his cousin Carol,
who tells him that his first duty
is to help his family get through the difficult times.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
22. When was Joe admitted to the special medical program?
23. Why would Joe's mother give up her job?
24. Who advised Joe to give up his studies?
25. What is Joe going to do?
This is the end of Listening Comprehension.

1-2 BA
3-4 AD
5-7 BAB
8-11 CADC
12-15 BBCA
16-18 BCD
19-21 DCC
22-25 CACD
























