
2020-11-15 07:45:15138
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署名授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)載,作品版權(quán)歸和藹的大爺所有:ASMR GRANDPA


I had their dear friends this is a

little bit different video than I would

normally make I'm thinking about buying

a videogame and I'd like to know

something about this now the last time I

played the only time in my life I played

a video game was in the mid 80s

my brother and I bought an Atari those

of you who are older don't know what the

Atari was it was a game where you had

this little like aliens going across the

top and somehow you were you were

shooting at them like and they would

keep getting closer and closer and

anyway it was a very addictive

experience and I've missed out on the

only yeah subsequent three or four

decades of gaming and understand this is

a really big deal and I just thought it

was something I I might mess around with

I have to see her of a knowledge of

gaming but then again when I started

this channel I had almost zero knowledge

of of social media especially YouTube in

making videos I was ever gonna make a

video you know so

I don't know anything about what I need

what kind of connections or equipment or

microphones I've got this I have my Yeti

I wonder if I could use that my bim

standards also have another microphone

this one isn't an audio tech audio

technica something like that ATR 2100

and i got yet like maybe a year ago so I

wonder if I could use their and I've

done a lot of reading about gaming in

fact when I started the channel I was

trying to decide between having that

YouTube channel and just having a gaming

channel and for different reasons I

ended up with the youtube but of course

they have gaming there also I don't know

about my PC I bought one about a year

ago when I started this channel I need a

new one the one I had was 7 about 7

years old so I'm gonna give you the the

specs for it and like I said I have a

bunch of research to do about this but

it has an Intel Core i5 8400 I'm gonna

have to read this I have a little note

here for this an i5 Intel Core i5 8400

CPU at 2.80 gigahertz and then it says

is like 2.8 one gigahertz I don't know

what that means

I mean why the difference it has twelve

gigabytes of RAM and eleven point eight

of those gigabytes are usable

you know it's a 64-bit operating system

and x64 based processor the monitors and

insignia 20 inch LED and it's about

maybe 10 years maybe 10 to 15 years old

not sure I'm sure my monitor is over

then and some of the folks watching this

video the aspect ratio is 16 to 9 and

the resolution is 1600 x 900 at 60 Hertz

so that's the equipment I had and I have

to if I have to buy something else

I'm not against that I don't want to put

a lot of money into something and didn't

find out it's something I don't like or

or that I'm not really little I'm not

going to be good at it but I don't want

to put a lot of money into something

anyway so I don't know about pcs versus

playing with consult or TVs video card I

I don't know about that either

pardon the plane don't worry it's going


cameras I have an iPhone here and I have

a c9 22 pro stream webcam yeah so that's

where I am with that I'm not even sure

that ASMR in gaming even mixes very well

but I'm sure I wouldn't be one of those

loud excitable gamers PewDiePie doesn't

need to worry about me yet we did it in

the same natural low-key way that I try

to to do do my regular videos the ASM on

a crowd is probably different from from

typical gaming crowd I don't know I'm

rationalizing here

generalizing I mean so I thought if I'd

went to all this trouble that would

probably even upload a game or two just

for the heck of it I don't think I care

anything about playing online it might

be fun later but I understand it's yet

to develop a skill to to look at what

you're playing and also see people who

are commenting maybe I just wouldn't do

that I don't know but it might be fun to

upload a game then later the main thing

is to have a lot of expectations

I hope your low expectations will match

my own for this endeavor if I had to

take it the kind of game I'm looking for

hard love suggestions about that would

be game this relaxing with our nice

scenery in the tree I don't care about

body counts I don't care about following

the rules and I'm not trying to keep

score I'll be doing this at my own pace

and I don't want a game that's so

complicated that it takes a long time to

learn it of course I don't want to be

embarrassing myself either so that's

pretty much where I am about this I'm I

studied this over a year ago before I

started my channel to see if that's

something that I wanted to do and I

decided that no I wasn't but now maybe

I'm just thinking a little bit about it

so if you could you know help me decide

about what game if I decide to do this

or anything any other advice you have I

would appreciate it and I thank you for

that and and I hope you have a good

weekend peace out as always





















