Unit1 P11 Story time

2021-03-23 16:21:0803:49 497
Story time故事時(shí)間到了Zip:It's Saturday now. Zoom,I'm always very busy.現(xiàn)在是星期六,佐姆,我總是很忙。Zoom:why?為什么?Zip:Let me see. From Monday to Wednesday, I usually collect nuts in the afternoon. 讓我想想,從星期一到星期三,我通常在下午收集堅(jiān)果。Zoom:What else?還有什么?Zip:On Thursday, I often dry my nuts in the sun. 星期四,我經(jīng)常在陽(yáng)光下曬干我的堅(jiān)果。Zip: On friday ,I eat nuts with my friends. 星期五,我和朋友們一起吃堅(jiān)果。Zoom: What do you usually do on the weekend ?周末你通常做什么?Zip: I often watch TV, but this weekend I have a show. I 'll play the Pipa. 我經(jīng)??措娨暎@個(gè)周末我有一個(gè)節(jié)目。我來(lái)彈琵琶。Zoom: When ?什么時(shí)間?Zip: Saturday, at 12 o'clock, oh no!星期六中午12點(diǎn),哦,不!

