模擬卷01 2021年高考英語重難點押題金卷(全國卷)聽力錄音附試卷含答案附原文

2021-05-24 19:39:2613:21 2345

模擬卷01  2021年高考重難點押題金卷(全國卷)







第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)



例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.


1.What is the full price of the man’s jacket?


2.How does the woman probably feel about her son?


3.Where is the man going probably?

A.To a supermarket.B.To a bookstore.C.To a restaurant.

4.What will the woman probably do?

A.Cancel her membership.B.Rush to catch a busC.Call the man back later.

5.What is the girl's plan?

A.Spend the summer vacation.  B.Sign up for the classes.  C.Learn to drive.




6.What is the man going to do this afternoon?

A.Call the woman's house.

B.Show the woman some photos.

C.Take some pictures of the woman

7.What might be the first headache in Paris according to the man?



8.What is the man doing?

A.Returning books.B.Buying books.C.Borrowing books.

9.What does the man think of the novel The Sun Also Rises?



10.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a hospital.B.In the man's office.C.In the woman's home.

11.What day is it today?


12.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Hand her job over to Joe.

B.Look for a babysitter.

C.Go home at once.


13.What are the speakers discussing?

A.How to present their research.

B.How to form clouds.

C.How to explain different types of clouds.

14.Why does the man suggest having small cards?

A.To make the presentation more interesting.

B.To organize all the research.

C.To remind him of what to say.

15.What will the man do?

A.Look for pictures of clouds online.

B.Make the presentation slides.

C.Prepare the cards.

16.What part will the woman do?

A.The medium-level clouds part.

B.The low-level clouds part.

C.The high-level clouds part.


17.What is the speaker?

A.A guide.B.A teacher.C.A coach.

18.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.Factors deciding the choice of goods.

B.Consumers’ choice of cars.

C.Products with high quality.

19.What do people think of responsibility nowadays?

A.It's getting more attention.

B.It's still important.

C.It's the deciding factor.

20.Where can people get access to more information?

A.From newspapers.B.From a website.C.From a book.


1-5.BCA    C  6-7 BC 8-9.AC 10-12.BAA 13-16.ACAA 17-20.BABB

1.W: So, what did you buy?

M: A jacket. It was a real bargain. I got it for half price, so I saved 15 dollars.

W: That’s very cheap. I bought a similar one for 50 dollars last year.


M: Mom, look what I did!

W: Stephen! You can’t just draw on the walls at the supermarket. Everyone is staring at you.

M: Sorry, Mom. I’ll go get some paper and clean it up.


M:I’m leaving now. What would you like me to bring you?

W:Please get me some apples. Oh, I almost forgot! Buy me a notebook.


M: Jennifer, would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year?

W: Uh, I’m on a bus and can’t catch you very clearly. Can I get back to you on that?


W:Dad, I want to learn how to drive this summer vacation.

M:That’s a good idea! You’d better hurry up before they’ve filled all classes. Many people are learning how to drive now.

W:OK, I will


W: Hey, Jim. I heard you traveled to Paris last year. How was it?

M: Absolutely amazing. I’ll show you pictures taken in Paris if you come to my house this afternoon.

W: Great. What did you visit?

M: I visited many tourist attractions: museums, churches, parks and palaces.

W: Wow! I’ll go to Paris on business next month. What should I pay attention to?

M: Umm… The traffic is horrible. Plan out your route before you go. Then next you should book your plane tickets and hotels in advance.


M: This is my library card, and these are the books.

W: OK. Wait a moment, please. Oh, sorry, this book, The Sun Also Rises, is over the deadline. You should pay extra for it.

M: Yeah. I'm sorry about that. I must admit this novel is the best I've ever read. I couldn't even put it down. So I'm going to buy one from the bookstore. Anyway, how much should I pay?

W: $3,please.

M: Here you are. Thanks.


W:Mr.Green, may I ask for leave?

M:What happened, Judy?

W:My son is seriously ill, and no one can take care of him at home.

M:I’m sorry to hear that. And you know we’re quite busy at the moment.

W:I know that, but you can find a replacement for me.

M:I’ll consider that. When can you be back?

W:Perhaps Thursday, two days off. His father should come back from England by then.

M:And can’t you find a baby-sitter?

W:I’ve tried. But in such an emergent case, it’s not so easy to find a baby-sitter.

M:I see. I will arrange for Joe to take over your job. You must hand your job over to him properly.

W:You’re so considerate, Mr. Green.

M:Wish your son well sooner.


W: OK, we’ve got all our cloud research so let’s decide how to organize it.

M: We should probably start by saying how clouds are formed, and then move on to the different types of clouds. We can separate them into low-level, medium-level and high clouds.

W: Great, and we should also make a PowerPoint to make the presentation more interesting.  

M: Right. We should have small cards, too. I’m useless at remembering what to say without them.

W: Me too. Well, I’m quite happy to organize everything we’ve found out about clouds and make sure it fits into our presentation times.

M: Actually, I’d better do that. How about if you make the presentation slides?

W: OK.

M: Then I’ll also look on the Internet for pictures of different types of clouds.

W: That’ll be great. I’ll prepare the cards so we don’t forget what we’re saying.

M: Sounds great. What section do you want to talk about?

W: I hate speaking in front of people so I’d prefer not to do the introduction.

M: I’ll do that. If you don’t want to talk much, then why don’t you just do the middle bit about the medium-level clouds?

W: That’s OK.


     Welcome to our business class. Today we will discuss if a consumer has to choose between two products of the same price, what factor determines the choice. They choose the one they think is of higher quality. Business analysts usually speak of two major factors of quality—one factor is reliability, and the other is what we call features.

First of all, what’s reliability? A product is reliable if it can maintain a reasonable amount of time without needing repairs. When people thought about product quality, they used to think mainly about reliability. Today it’s different. But don’t get me wrong. People do still care about reliability. It’s just that manufacturing standards are now so high that ... take cars for example, today’s cars are all very reliable. So reliability is important, but it’s not the deciding factor.

Features are gaining more attention—the things a product has that aren’t really necessary but make it easier to use or make it cool. For example, new cars today are loaded with features like electric windows, sun roofs and so on. When people are comparing products today, they look at features.

You can check out our school website to find more resources about our business class.













