A good question

2021-10-12 19:29:0501:51 1545

Why develop yourself to the full, why try to become all that you can possibly become, why try to earn as much as you can earn, share as much as you can share, develop every skill you possibly can, see every human you possibly can, go to every class you possibly can, touch everybody you possibly can, why do that much, why go that far, why share that much, why give that much away, why try to see everything, why try to do everything, why try to become everything, That's a good question why. 


And you're the only one personally that can answer that question for yourself, you've got to have your own list of whys. Here's what I want you to do when you go home after you've left this extravaganza, work on your list of whys. One of the big thrust for success is to come up with a strong enough why. 


If the why is powerful, the how is easy. But if the why isn't strong, if your goals aren't powerful, if the vision isn't clear, the old prophet said, without a vision, we die, without a vision, we perish, without a dream, we’re nothing. From the movie the professionals, I listen to Bill Haren give his testimony yesterday, from the movie the professional, it said we joined because we believed, we stayed because we were committed, we left because we were disillusioned, but we came back because we were lost. Without a dream, we are nothing. 

如果清楚地知道“為什么”,那么“怎樣做”就簡單多了。如果我們不清楚自己的動因,目標(biāo)就會很弱。如果視野不清晰,就像古老的先知說的那樣,沒有目標(biāo)我們就會死亡,就會凋零,沒有夢想的話,一切都無從談起。就像電影《The Professional》男主角Bill Haren說的那樣:因?yàn)樾拍钗覀兙墼谝黄?,因?yàn)槌兄Z我們留了下來,因?yàn)樾盐蛩晕覀冸x開了,但因?yàn)槲覀兠允Я怂晕覀冇只貋砹恕]有夢想,我們將一無是處。


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